I'm sure your all aware of the crappy location of the battery under the airbox and seat...well I was thinking about cleaning that area out by installing pods. Through my searching on this wonderful site I have found out that the carbs have to be "jetted" in order to run pods, wich means drilling, needle changes etc. I have a feeling this is outside of my realm of capabilities. I talked to the same shop and they said about $400 and they can "jet" the carbs add the pods and use this with my stock exhaust if I didn't want to spend the money to upgrade that right now, however if I decide later I will have to have the needles changed or as he said it "have the carbs rejetted to run with the new exhaust"
So there's the FYI and here is the question. Is the dollar amounts good for the work that I want done? If I am not ready to upgrade the exhaust is it worth jetting the carbs right now?
I'm usually a hands on learning type of person and don't think that tackling a jetting job is something I can do from reading how its done. Is it as hard as I think it is?
THANKS to everyone again. I'm sure I will have thousand or so more quesitons as I go through this beast.