Mark and Doug... ya'll were fabulous to pit with.. MUCH APPRECIATED for all the help you both gave me. And no you didn't hurt more than ya helped.. other than maybe should have been watchin my front tire from the side right off the line and beyond to see where the wheelie was starting from.. cuz we were adjusting for it coming in hard later rather than gradual early on.. but that's ok... I know it's hard to watch everything with so much going on and you were tryin to pit for 3 bikes

Glad Doug was at ease about my pit'n with ya'll, I tend to forget sometimes that I'm a girl and that it might make some uneasy having me around with wives to consider and all.. BUT REALLY I"M JUST ONE OF GUYS

and come on.. you and I both know only REAL reason he wanted me to stick around was so he could straddle my bike LMAO - I see another horse being added to your stable before long LOL
BTW tell your Mrs I'm sorry I didnt' talk with her more.. I was so stressed out about the bike and trying to think of what could be done that I wasn't as social as I normally am... and my girls were sorry to hear they missed getting to play with your German S. I was not expecting their Dad to get them till around 3 or 4 so that was a lil unsettling to have them leave so early ...

As for the glare on teh dash... yeah I was afraid of that.. I need to hook up my bullet camera mount again.. that thing I loved recording my dash display... It was just too hard for me to try to hold the rpm BELOW my launch light's trigger point and watch the tree and then my helmet kept sliding down over my view of the tree when I was in a full tuck...argh!
You should be able to send me large file sizes to my work email if you like then I can burn it on a CD here.. I'll pm that to you.
again thanks to you both for the help and the great food and hospitality and lettin me run my fans and charger off your generator ... I owe ya'll big time for sweetin it out wrenchin on my bike.. I'll bring ya a treat for the bike and sled weekend... :~D