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Track Stories 08

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    It's been a while but I am sure I liked you better as a 37 year old female.

    Glad to hear that it's just a little finger giving you troubles. Give it some time and stick with the program. Plenty of time to get on that bike. Besides, you need to give me some more time to finish this old heap before we have a rematch.

    Love the picture with the little pins sticking out. X-Rays are good too. Thats a lot of metal to cram in that little bone of yours.

    Thanks for the comments on the paint. Feel free to call or PM if you guys head back to Martin. We are right on the way up. We have been off for 3 weeks now. Two more weekends to go before we run again.

    Don't stay gone so long next time.


      Originally posted by lecroy View Post

      It's been a while but I am sure I liked you better as a 37 year old female.

      Glad to hear that it's just a little finger giving you troubles. Give it some time and stick with the program. Plenty of time to get on that bike. Besides, you need to give me some more time to finish this old heap before we have a rematch.

      Love the picture with the little pins sticking out. X-Rays are good too. Thats a lot of metal to cram in that little bone of yours.

      Thanks for the comments on the paint. Feel free to call or PM if you guys head back to Martin. We are right on the way up. We have been off for 3 weeks now. Two more weekends to go before we run again.

      Don't stay gone so long next time.

      thanks hun... I'm bound and determine to get back on soon .. even if it's a matter of making slow 9 sec passes to at least get the suspension adjusted so it'll be more ready when my finger is working again.

      not sure I understand your comment about liking me better as a 37yr old women though??

      as for giving you more time... LOL.. that's kinda what my racin partner got was half the season to beat me into the 7's. Told him to enjoy while he can cuz it wont' last long once I get back in teh seat

      the pins were way bigger than I expected thats for sure and hurt like the dickens comin out..

      We'll be back to Martin for the Battle of the Bikes.. not sure if I'll be able to race but my buddy Nem will be racing... so most def. need to hook up and say hello in person... and maybe let me take your beauty for a run j/k (wouldnt' wanna embaras ya by makin a better pass than you my first time on it... ) also j/k.... right now I'd be lucky to beat someone's pit bike LMAO



        It's alive ................. again, but the question is how long???

        She's back down to 1166 and cranking compression is around 235. Put the 38 CV's back on too and will see what happens Friday night.

        Last edited by RacingJake; 07-23-2008, 05:17 PM.
        1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
        1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
        1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
        1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
        01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


          I wondered if you and the bike were still with us Jake or if it was a Harley only year for you. What happened with the crank? Did you just swap it out, or no damage when the pin cut loose? Did yo check out the solenoid link that guy posted? Looks like a much better design for variable control. Could not see anything about size and weight.

          Originally posted by DreamRyder View Post
          not sure I understand your comment about liking me better as a 37yr old women though??
          You link says your now a 37 year old male.

          When I had mine pinned, it was the first time in my whole life I had a bone set. They put my pins under the skin. About a week before they were going to pull them I had to go in for a checkup. I asked the doctor if I could pull a pin out that was bothering me. It was real close to the skin and was trying to make its way out as the bones slid over it. Doc say's sure, if you think you can do it. I guess he figured I meant it after they let me stay up and watch them drill the pins. While he had the hand under the X-Ray doing his thing he say's I see you broke this center finger at one time and did not set it. Yep....

          I have never had any sort of operation done before. So it was all new to me. When the operation over I figured no big deal. I didn't take any drugs and really felt fine. So there I am sitting waiting to leave and they won't let me go. They offered me some juice a few times but I was really ready to just head home to eat. After about a half hour of this a nurse finally tells me that I need to drink something before they will release me. Well, why didn't you say something...

          Funiest part was when I went to the PT the first time. The nice lady had a paper showing all the things I am supposed to do. No problem. She starts going over them and then asked to see my good hand. No problem. Then she starts to doing the moves with the hand. I yank the hand back and she looks at me. Now caught I have to come clean.. Second hand is broke. Does the doctor know? No. Why not? Because I need to use it.

          I can let you take a pass on it but I will need to push you down the track. Your weight and my street bike, I bet I could get you over 80 in the traps. LOL


            That's a good question Mark, cause this year the bike never really preformed like I thought it would.

            My guess is that the wrist pin let loose on one side and put a side load on the rod & crank causing the bearing to come apart. There's no binding on the rod and crank throw so I think damage is minimum. When I get it fix I'll have them put a 1100 gear on it. Going back to a 1100 ratio cause at least I know alittle more about tuning them.

            I'm using the same 1100 crank, 1166 block and clutch basket from last year and boy did she fly.

            I saw that too about the soleniods, but me thinks I'll just go back to hitting the button once I get in 2nd gear with no delay or build time. On or off cause I'll only be spraying a 36 shot.

            Your bike is coming along nicely, I'd be afraid to get within 10 feet of it .
            1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
            1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
            1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
            1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
            01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


              Yea, I know that feeling. I wasted a lot of time before I started logging data. Biggest gains I have made were in the clutch. I'm sure the junker will bring all new problems but at least I'm not flying blind this time. Plan to put that used Dyna I bought on it.

              Your real lucky nothing major happened. Bike gods were on your side. I figured Ryan's numbers would have been a pretty good start for the 750 combo but maybe not. Who are you planning to use for the rebuild?

              I don't know anyone using a progressive spray and don't know much about it. Sure don't like the short life they were posting.

              10 feet? Come on, most of the cobbles are gone now. You can get within a foot before something falls apart on it now. LOL

              I got the new chain yesterday. It's about half the weight of the stuff I have been using.

              Put the uncut chain, filled nitrous tank, turbo, battery, intake and exhaust on the scales. 48 lbs with all the packing. Need to add the ignition, harness, logger, carb, bars and rest of fuel system. I think its going to come in at 400.


                that's odd cuz I ain't changed anything in my profile since I first signed up?? in fact I don't even see where it tells you my age or sex LOL

                as for your other hand being broke too .. wow... I knew immediately my left hand had something major wrong with it without even trying to use it.. couldn't imagine having it broke for a bit and not know... but then again I'm a puss when it comes to pain.

                Even the dr made fun of me.. saying "you can race a dragbike without fear but you're afraid of the pain caused by pullin the pins?" he didnt' say it to be mean and I guess when one really thinks about it.. it is pretty messed up

                yesterday's PT has been the worst for pain but I keep tellin myself it ain't gonna get better without pushin it and forcin it ...

                thanks for the offer on the push run ... might be the only way I'm able to make a run for the next month we'll see in a week or so ...



                  Hey E, check the top..

                  Last Login: Jul 24, 2008
                  Member Since: Jun 11, 2008
                  Gender: Male
                  Age: 37 years old
                  Location: US

                  Yea, I knew that second hand had a brake, just didn't want to say anything to the doc was all. I needed at least one hand to pee. lol No problem on the push. If you want, I will push you on your own bike so it at least gets some use. We need to put some bars on it first or a push pin.


                    Originally posted by lecroy View Post
                    Hey E, check the top..

                    Last Login: Jul 24, 2008
                    Member Since: Jun 11, 2008
                    Gender: Male
                    Age: 37 years old
                    Location: US

                    Yea, I knew that second hand had a brake, just didn't want to say anything to the doc was all. I needed at least one hand to pee. lol No problem on the push. If you want, I will push you on your own bike so it at least gets some use. We need to put some bars on it first or a push pin.
                    I don't see anything with that kind of information showing - even at the top ??

                    oh - didn't even think about ya needin at least one hand free LOL you poor thing.

                    no need for the wheelie bar... my next time out will be without any extra boost.. just what's on the gate. I need to make sure I can make a safe pass with my hand not fully operational before adding any extra HP. ALso wanna get teh suspension set back up right too before tryin to launch hard again.

                    tks for the offer however



                      Oops, didn't mean to keep you safe, just a place for my foot.... I was thinking for the zero boost pass. I am sure now that it bit you, things will progress in a more thought out process. But anytime you need a push, I'm there. lol.

                      I sent several letters back and forth with Jane Head. Very cool lady. She was telling me about a kid at their track that races with no arms. Had some funny stories to go with it. Sorta puts things into perspective.

                      I took a trip today to check out a laser system. I have been around a lot of big azz machines most of my life but this thing has to be the coolest machine I have come across.

                      I have engraved some parts by hand and they turn out all right. Hard to erase cuts into metal. Now that I have seen this system there is no turning back. I took in some scrap to have them try on it. Very impressive. Very fast. The company doesn't use to for cosmetic stuff but it sounds like it's no problem as long as I do the artwork. I'll post some pictures once I have something done.


                        Originally posted by lecroy View Post
                        Oops, didn't mean to keep you safe, just a place for my foot.... I was thinking for the zero boost pass. I am sure now that it bit you, things will progress in a more thought out process. But anytime you need a push, I'm there. lol.

                        I sent several letters back and forth with Jane Head. Very cool lady. She was telling me about a kid at their track that races with no arms. Had some funny stories to go with it. Sorta puts things into perspective.

                        I took a trip today to check out a laser system. I have been around a lot of big azz machines most of my life but this thing has to be the coolest machine I have come across.

                        I have engraved some parts by hand and they turn out all right. Hard to erase cuts into metal. Now that I have seen this system there is no turning back. I took in some scrap to have them try on it. Very impressive. Very fast. The company doesn't use to for cosmetic stuff but it sounds like it's no problem as long as I do the artwork. I'll post some pictures once I have something done.
                        no need for bars for a foot hold..I have a build in foot rest for ya.. compliments of Tiger Racing License Plate

                        Not taking out all the boost cuz of the wipe out.. taking it out in the event my left hand don't come back to hold on to the grip like it should after letting go of the lever.. I have no idea if it's gonna work or not so I'd rather not have all that HP to worry about if I can't do what's needed to make it a safe run.

                        The bike was doin fine at US131 .. I have no reason to think we can't get it back to that point again after making the suspension adjustments ..

                        Wow racing without arms? was he belted to the bike? how did he manuver the bike? that's crazy.. good for him for not letting something stop him from doing what he loves...

                        look forward to seein your new creations.. mighty cool to have access to such a thing.



                          I like the license plate holder. Think it would hold up? Remember that we push with those high powered 250cc bikes, not the 50cc toys. I can really put a lot of force on the bars when we get in a hurry. LOL

                          Originally posted by DreamRyder View Post
                          Not taking out all the boost cuz of the wipe out.. E.
                          Funny, I thought the hand was damaged cuz the wipeout. Agree that you need to keep it safe. We all do.

                          I think she said he just rode it like a normal person would. Would have liked to seen a picture of him in action. Been a while, should see how she's doing. Last time we wrote I think they were going to do more work on her leg. Now that is one tough rider let me tell you.

                          Attached is a case I cut by hand about 10 years ago. Nothing near what the machine can do....

                          Now that I know your still female, this is something to keep you busy until I get some parts cut....
                          Last edited by Guest; 12-18-2008, 12:23 PM.


                            totally cool work on the cover ... especially by hand!

                            You think you could recreate this? It's my personal "logo"

                            PS. cute jokes for the racers wife.. funny part is I fall into many of those catagories myself (except watching cars race LOL... if I do watch its to see the crashes)
                            Last edited by Guest; 07-25-2008, 08:14 AM.


                              as for the strength of the plate holder... I sure would think so it's pretty heavy duty and it's mounted through the rear axle.. so it aint' goin no where easy

                              and as for the hand being due to the wipe out.. yeah I reckon if you put it that way.. but if my hand had not been injured I'd been right back on that bike as it was that day after making the suspension adjusments



                                Holy crap, that is the license plate from hel. Looks like round stock welded on the backside? Yea, I think it would hold!

                                >>.. but if my hand had not been injured I'd been right back on that bike as it was that day after making the suspension adjusments

                                Yea, I'm sure you would and sure you will!!!

                                Figured you would get a chuckle out of some of those.

                                That's the thing with free hand, it never comes out the same. The electric engraver I have is just some cheapo marking tool and there is about as much control with it as those BIG pencils they gave us in pre-school... Before this, I used a small chisel to make my cuts in the metal. Like wood carving but more primative. I doubt I could do anything like what the tatoo artists do. The fear of screwing it up would be a huge concern and to be frank, I am never really happy with any of the things I do.

                                When we were working on the new paint and on the second day, I was trying to get the artist to cut some corners to save time. He can really paint up a storm and his detailed work is some of the best I have seen. But you can't be putting that kind of effort into a work bike. I must have ragged on him one too many times when he finally said that if was not just me whole had to be happy with the paint, he needed to be happy with it too. He's right.

                                Imagine someone going over and over on the same tatoo.... That would be me.... LOL.

