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how do I tell which jets are in
how do I tell which jets are in
I bought my bike as two bikes and made one good one. I had to pull the motor from the donor bike for the bike with a title and a bad motor. The bad motor bike has the choke in the stearing head and it was locked up tight. So I had to use the carbs from the donor bike to be able to use the choke lever on the side of the carbs. The bad motor bike came with a custom single pod filter and a 4 into 1 pipe with a Two Brothers racing can on it. It seams like it is starving for either gas or air. The guy I bought it from was selling it for his brother, so he didn't know much about it. I am wondering if the original carbs had been re-jetted. If so, how can I tell and if they were can I just swap jets? Oh, I have a 79 gs 1000 with a 78 donor motorTags: None
The main jets will have a size stamped onto them. The rest of it is a little trickier to figure out. If the needle is adjustable, it isn't stock (I don't think any of our bikes came with adjustable needles). Also, if you have more then one washer between the spring and e-clip, it may have been adjusted. I don't know what the stock settings are for your bike, but am sure somebody does. Good luck
I sure hope my service manual explains what you just said because I am lost. I do not know a whole lot about carbs.
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- Angeles Forest, So.Calif./Red rocks of Southern Utah.
A '79 GS1000 has a #95 main jet and a #15 pilot jet. The needle has 5 positions for the clip. To the best of my memory,when stock,the clip was in position 2 from the top,but I'm not positive. If you need more jet size info let me know, I believe my factory manual shows more. KK.And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!