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1983 GS1100E Jetting Question

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    1983 GS1100E Jetting Question

    I saw this post from Mike McNaney who apparently is no longer a member. His bike seems to be moded virtually the same as mine and he says he uses 142.5 jets (mains I assume)

    From this thread.

    I have two jet kits , a K&N from the PO and a Dynojet kit I recently purcahsed with new POD's. Both kits come with 110/114's for stage I and 132/138's for Stage III. Mike says he started at 137.5 and moved eventually to 147.5's and returned to 142.5's. I assume he is talking Dynojet numbers and his bike started at the max Stage III. Does this make sense? If so I should probably look for some 142.5's.

    1983 GS1100E
    10.25:1 compression (reads 190-200 psi cold)
    1150 36mm carbs
    Yosh 4:1
    K&N Pods
    0.340 Webcams
    degreed 106/104 Ext/Int
    Accell coils


    Post from Mike below:

    That pretty much as I imagined. I havent had enough carb problems to worry about it. I guess my boys old honda is using a VM if thats the case.

    Im really wondering whats up with all the carb jetting problems everybody complains about. i guess my upgrades have hovered somewhat around the stock parameters. 1166 and BS 36's are in the range of a stock 1150 exept for the cams. Web .340's. I only needed two steps up on the mains after the cam install. They were at 137.5. I actually tried 147.5's and the top end was impressive but I left a black trail of smoke everywere I went. The 142.5's are about perfect for my combo it seems.

    Complete acceleration with no sag all the way to 9 grand.

    I'll count myself lucky I guess.

    By the way do all you guys change your mains and bits with the carbs on the bike? I hope so. 15 minutes total.
    With all the problems zeroing in, that alone would be a huge pain.

    I'd start with the 138 Dynojet main and needle set at second from the bottom.
    I'm not sure if Dyno makes jets as big as 142.5s. He was probablly using Mikuni jets.
    1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
    1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.


      When I see these jet and Pod questions, I always ask myself why it need so big jets?
      When I look at GSXR1100W – 95-98 spec, the main jet is only about 125 but it already produce 155hp at stock.
      If we use 140 or something like that on our GS motor, do it really all the fuel can completely burnt in our standard GS motor and produce a lot of HP like the GSXR1100W.



        Thanks for the reply Bill,
        I forgot to mention that the PO jetted the bike at 132's because he said the 138's were to much. The 0.340's should need a little more juice dont you think??? \\/
        The DJ instructions say 3rd grove from the top. 2nd from the bottom (as you say) would be 3 notches richer right?




          As seen in the other reference post, DJ goes by orifice size and most of the OEM's go buy flow rate designations so numerical jet size comparision could be apples and oranges. If the plugs/fuel air ratio/ and power are there then I suspect that the engine is running at optimum however much fuel is being consumed. Mike had commented that he was getting a lot of black smoke when he went too large so that may be partially answering your question.
          I certainly think that my initial jet sizing would be based on the same settings of a very similarly tuned bike (i.e. Mike's) rather that your more modern GSXR1100W – 95-98 spec.

          Good Luck.



            Jet sizes

            Sorry to bother you all, but while you were on the topic of jet sizes, I thought I might ask a question about them rather than start a whole new thread and then get blamed for starting yet another jet conversation. Could anyone point me in the right direction for rejetting a Kat1000 that will soon be fitted with pods. I know, I know, everyone is saying "keep the airbox", but after reading a couple of other threads with positive coments about pods on 1000cc engines, I thought I'd give it a go. I have never even bought a new set of jets so where should I get them from and do they come as kits with different sizes for fine tuning or do I need to specify what sizes I need and just get the 4 jets?
            The bike in question has standard Mikuni flat slides and a 4 into one system. I believe the two centre pistons need to run richer than the two outside pistons. Could anyone give me an idea of jet sizes to order.
            Thanks very much in advance for any help and sorry Addy, I do not mean to hijack your thread. I just thought I'd cop it in the neck for starting another thread about jets.


              Pods and Jets

              Find your bike listing and then you can download the instructions. Scope Ebay and see if you can snag some pods and jet kits.

              Develop a great plan for boosting your motorcycle’s performance by using our convenient, reliable motorcycle carburetor Jet Kits available online. Once you see these kits in action, it will become clear why they’re the products that started the Dynojet fuel tuning legacy. They’ll effortlessly increase power and smoothness throughout the entire rev range. Whether your bike is stock, heavily modified, or created for high-speed racing, our Jet Kits can tune your air/fuel ratio to perfection. Not only will our motorcycle Jet Kits drastically improve your performance, but they’ll also show immediate results. With an increased power output of 5-8% and a fully adjustable design, our kits are the perfect companions to any rider. Expand your vehicle’s performance capabilities today with them.

              I just recently got NOS PODs and jet kit for $125 delivered.

              Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

              Good luck



                Thanks posplayr.
                I'll have a look around those link right now.


                  Originally posted by posplayr View Post
                  Thanks for the reply Bill,
                  I forgot to mention that the PO jetted the bike at 132's because he said the 138's were to much. The 0.340's should need a little more juice dont you think??? \\/
                  The DJ instructions say 3rd grove from the top. 2nd from the bottom (as you say) would be 3 notches richer right?

                  Actually two notches richer. Try this jetting and I'm willing to bet it's real close if not spot on.
                  1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
                  1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.


                    Groovey Man

                    I checked my new kit needles again and they have 7 grooves not 6 as I think you are assuming. The instructions shows a drawing and it only shows 6 as well. So to make this even more confusing. You are suggesting increasing the richness by two grooves from the instructions. Summarized below

                    Grooves from Top from Bottom
                    Instructions 3 5
                    Chef' s Rec 5 3

                    Both sets of instructions show the same part number DNT406 and that it applies to all 80-86 Suk gs1100-1150 16-Valve engines.

                    I'm now wondering what is in the carbs already.



                      I swear mine has six. :?
                      You have Dynojet kit #3133?
                      1983 GS 1100E w/ 1230 kit, .340 lift Web Cams, Ape heavy duty valve springs, 83 1100 head with 1.5mm oversized SS intake valves, 1150 crank, Vance and Hines 1150 SuperHub, Star Racing high volume oil pump gears, 36mm carebs Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, Posplayr's SSPB, Progressive rear shocks and fork springs, Dyna 2000, Dynatek green coils and Vance & Hines 4-1 exhaust.
                      1985 GS1150ES stock with 85 Red E bodywork.


                        Yep; well maybe not.....

                        The instructions say 3133.001 hummmmm.....

                        I got it in this combo kit for cheap.

                        Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

                        The listed part number for the Jet kit is the same as the old K&N jet kit (I have the box from the PO) that seems to also be made by Dynojet.

                        As I said the PO already did a Stage III modification, but for the price I got I just decided to do with new so I know what I got.


                        Web 0.340's are in ; look real sweet expecially having the Tach gear. Two more orders coming in with oil pump, top end oiler, started clucth and other misc.

                        I'm hoping to be assembling the engine by Next weekend and then I'll start pulling apart the frame for painting.

                        Last edited by posplayr; 02-22-2008, 11:20 PM.


                          Originally posted by posplayr View Post
                          I saw this post from Mike McNaney who apparently is no longer a member. His bike seems to be moded virtually the same as mine and he says he uses 142.5 jets (mains I assume)

                          I jetted my 82 1100E myself with Mikuni parts, so I have some experience with what you are going through. I would say your best bet is to just put in the richest jets you have and start off setting the pilot circuit, then the needle, then the mains. No matter what you do, you won't nail it the first time, so make sure you are rich to start with and work it in from there. The reason I say that you won't get it the first try is that even if you do happen to nail it, you need to try tweaking a little each way to see if it can get better. If both ways don't improve, then you have found the sweet spot. I would say I had my carbs apart 6-7 times before I found my final settings. It took a couple of saturday afternoons to get it right, but now it is sweet and i can say I did it myself.\\/


