Installed RenoBruces oil pressure gauge...FANTASTIC lil farkle. Love it. Easy to install, works perfectly, and its nice piece of mind to look down and know you have pressure, or you dont, or TOO much. Thankfully, Im all good

Today, she got a valve adjusment, only been 3000 miles or so, but found three tight ones. The bike, as i had said, when i first bought it, was super smooth. Nice and deceptively fast. Even to me, i would look down and im doing 80, and didnt even feel it. Lately, she's been SUPER buzzy above 60mph. You KNOW you're going fast without looking cos you can FEEL it coursing thru the bike. SO, off came the valve cover, and in went some new shims. We also checked my cam chain for wear...WELL within limits, and pulled the tensioner. Functioning properly and not leaking a drip. So..that shot my cam chain clatter theory all to hell. SO where the hell is that rattling coming from? Well, now that that bike is back to un-lawfully smooth (and im not kidding. Tonight when coming home from the races we went to see, i looked down at the gauge, thinking i was just cruising. I was, at 75mph and not a buzz at all. This could get ME in I managed to FINALLY feel where the rattling was coming from. The starter clutch. Well, the stator cover was tapping in time to the noise, so I can only assume its the clutch, cos i KNOW its starting to go. Load off my mind that its nothing else. I can replace that easy enough.
We also adjusted the float levels in the carbs, and played a lil bit, checked the sync after the valve adjustment. Spot on, or as close as can be. The wall i was hitting is nearly gone. Most importantly the bike is now SUPER responsive in the RPM range I generally ride in (3.5-6k) But it pulls like a truck in all gears again. Lil hesitation still, but i think the needle adjustments, and a bump up in the main will take care of that.
More to come in time
