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Tarbash27's 1979 7/11 build.

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    Today was money spending day!

    Drop some parts off to be powdercoated and will be done before christmas.
    outer fork tubes
    triple clamps

    Drop my trans off at robinson industries to be undercut

    ordered some stuff
    titanium shim under retainers $139
    keepers $19.50
    cam degree kit $85
    valve spring tool $45
    stainless engine bolts $40

    Thats $978.50 today and theres plenty more still to come.


      Originally posted by Tarbash 27 View Post
      Today was money spending day!

      Drop some parts off to be powdercoated and will be done before christmas.
      outer fork tubes
      triple clamps

      Drop my trans off at robinson industries to be undercut

      ordered some stuff
      titanium shim under retainers $139
      keepers $19.50
      cam degree kit $85
      valve spring tool $45
      stainless engine bolts $40

      Thats $978.50 today and theres plenty more still to come.
      Wow! It adds up fast, doesn't it? I stopped adding mine up. It would probably cause me heart failure. But it sure is fun!!
      85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
      79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


        Originally posted by Tarbash 27 View Post
        Today was money spending day!

        Drop some parts off to be powdercoated and will be done before christmas.
        outer fork tubes
        triple clamps

        Drop my trans off at robinson industries to be undercut

        ordered some stuff
        titanium shim under retainers $139
        keepers $19.50
        cam degree kit $85
        valve spring tool $45
        stainless engine bolts $40

        Thats $978.50 today and theres plenty more still to come.

        haha we are suckers for punishment huh.... at least we are not spending it on booze and women huh

        man i can't wait for all these bikes to be put together it is going to be a killer trio!

        anyone thinking of drilling their fins on the cylinder like the yosh bike and craig smith at oss?

        Tar, why you running under shims? going with bigger cams then the 110?
        Last edited by first timer; 12-11-2008, 12:46 AM.
        78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
        82 Kat 1000
        10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
        Some dirt bikes


          Well I found a brand new set of ape shim under buckets cheap. $150. Plus I noticed my intake cam is marked 109 and exhaust 110. I just want to have this motor overbuilt. I dont want any problems at high rpms. Its probably more of a want than need thing.


            I'm in Brooklyn and need to find a place to powdercoat my wheels and swingarm. Where did you go and have you used them before? Thanks!



              I dropped my stuff off at dynocoat. There in bohemia/islip area. I never used them before but I'll soon find out how good they are.


                Originally posted by Tarbash 27 View Post
                I have been doing work on the bike, just not to much posting.
                Im really excited about my seat I got in the mail today. I bought it off ebay UK and had it shipped here. $130 for the seat, $90 for shipping. But I have been looking for one of these for a while. No rips, just needs some cleaning. I scratched that other set pan idea.

                Other than that, I'm prepping the frame, wheels, and small parts to get powdercoated, hopefully next week. Have to get the trans undercut next week. I have been working on an older yoshimura pipe. I made a bigger baffle and modified the can a little. Also working on some other small odds and ends. I have decided to run a shim under bucket setup also on the motor. So I am in the process of gathering these parts.

                I also decided I'm riding this bike to daytona bike week, leaving feb 28th. So I have less than 3 months to finish this build. Im working in an 8x8 shed at night and its freezing out.

                Here's some picures of the seat.

                Is that a real Gullari seat, or an old replica? Very very cool!


                  Its real, It has the tag on the side and a stamp in the pan. Its a alot cleaner now, I used some mothers leather conditioner on it, those were pictures right after I took it out of packaging. I love it.


                    Originally posted by Tarbash 27 View Post
                    Its real, It has the tag on the side and a stamp in the pan. Its a alot cleaner now, I used some mothers leather conditioner on it, those were pictures right after I took it out of packaging. I love it.
                    Id love to have one myself. If you ever see another pop up, lemme know!!


                      Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
                      Id love to have one myself. If you ever see another pop up, lemme know!!
                      Search on ebay UK. there tend to be a few of these seats on there. I saw at least 3 others before I bid on this one.


                        Well I have gotton some stuff done since my last post.

                        I got some engine parts
                        ape titanium valve spring retainers(shim under)
                        kz keepers
                        k&l 20 pc 13mm shim kit. Yes I paid full price.

                        Also bought a degree wheel, dial indicator/stand, and piston stop so I can degree the cams. Bought a valve spring remover kit. Its makes it so easy.

                        I also bought a front master cylinder rebuild kit. I had no leaks but thought what the heck. Man, you wouldn't believe the crud that came out of this thing, all rust and corosion. I think I will be buying a rear master kit also.

                        Forks are completely built, ready to install.

                        So I have the head together, will just have to to a final valve adjustment when complete. I had to make cutouts on the head around each valve journal so the cams wouldnt hit. Would a pain in the A$$ that was.

                        I took apart my front calipers (83 GS1100E square pad) to see if they need a rebuild, there absolutely perfect. So I will be repainting those and reassembling them.

                        I'm still waiting on my trans from Robinson so I can put this motor together

                        All my stuff is back from the powdercoaters. I put the wheels back together with new tubes.
                        Here's some pictures. All semi flat black. I forgot pictures of the frame.




                            Love the wheels!!
                            85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
                            79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast



                              Man that finish is awesome, can't wait to see it come together.....Great Work!...I noticed on the wheel hub you left the sprocket area unfinished..How come?...also what preparation was necessary to powder coat the fork tubes?

                              Last edited by Guest; 01-07-2009, 10:41 PM.


                                The front wheel came out nice. The rear is good but they got some left over sand from sand blasting under the powdercoat. Its not really noticeable until you look for it. I dont mind it. I dont want it too pretty. The camera makes it look a little glossy. There a bit duller.

                                As for the sprocket, I just did not want anything on there that could cause the rear sprocket to not sit perfect. Its my first experience with powdercoated parts. The powdercoat is very durable, I put the tires on with steel tire irons without any scratches. Ill make sure I learn from my mistake's for the next project, which is a secret.

                                For the fork tubes, nothing really. I stripped the old paint myself and just gave them to the guy. I guess he just masked off the hole so nothing got inside.

