You can make a GSXR 750 BST36SS work easy enough on a GS 1000-1100. Most of the differences in carb setup are a result of fine tuning.
In the Sudco catalog is shows a standard tuning spec for a RS36 for all GSXR750 88-92 and GSXR 1100 87-92 and GS1000-1500 as using the same carburetor the main difference the GSXR 750 used a 120 main and all others are 130 main.
NOTE after disassembling a 3rd set of running BST36SS 17D40 (1990 GSXR 750 CA carbs) I have posted the results in the attachment.
I have two sets of BST36SS carbs (1989 CA GSXR 750 17C40 from a Hot GSXR 750 and 1990 CA GSXR 17D40 from by modified GSXR 1100G with pods and 4:1) ,
Both these carbs are setup very similarly to Tomas03's, both have FP 3 mm needles on the 3rd notch from the top, both use Y-5 needle jets, Both have MAJ 0.5, Pilot Jet 32.5 (the 17C40 has Pilot Air Jet 1.45 not sure about the 17D40).
If you have a GSXR750 carb, use a GSXR750 jet kit to tune it in. I'm not sure whether trying to make a GSXR 1100 carb run better with a GSXR 750 carb kit, but you are probably making life harder for yourself.
Tomas03 did take a GSXR750 carb (Aussie Spec) and adapt it to his GS1134 using OEM grooved needle 5E56-3rd and the OEM 0-9 jet that goes with it then that is a good alternative (again a 2.5mm needle/jet combination). The GSXR 750 needle Jets are 3mm (Y-5) as well as the FP and Dynao Jet needles.