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mungrel lives again.....
mungrel lives again.....
my 1980 gs1000e... was fired up tonight 7pm,,,,sounded sweet...clean carbys new filter,,,last filter only 8 years old ...for what ever reason my new petcock from suzuki the vac .with the little slot wouldn,t open or shut..but its been sitting idle for about 3 mths ...while i,m feeling brave what else can i do to it ..... happy happyregards david
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The '80 petcock needs a pulse of vacuum in order to get the prime to flow. A description of how the petcock functions is in the factory service manual.Ed
To measure is to know.
Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...https://www.thegsresources.com/_foru...ts#post1703182
Top Newbie Mistakes thread...http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...d.php?t=171846
Carb rebuild tutorial...https://gsarchive.bwringer.com/mtsac...d_Tutorial.pdf
KZ750E Rebuild Thread...http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...0-Resurrection