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82 Kat resto-mod aka Project Bucket Case

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    Progress? Love this one!


      Not much progress.

      I had to paint a friends saddle bags, then I bought a 09 Sprint St and sold my CBF. And now I am helping my in-laws pack for their moving date coming up.

      I did order YSS shocks and they took over a month to get here which was a hold up. I just got them today but the upper mounts were not what I ordered. Waiting to hear from them.

      I did get Rob's shock mounts welded to the swing arm.


        Heard back on your shocks?


          Ya, I actaully got working on the bike today. The first time in months. You gotta hate when you have a new bike.

          I was able to get the Busa resets on, the shock bushings pressed into the swing arm and test fit the shocks. And then mounthe rear wheel to doulbe check the chain and shock clearance.

          YSS sent the new bushing w/o a problem and had actually called within 3 hours of my email. Not bad.

          I hope to have some picutres going by weeks end.


            Well, I have not forgotten my project. Simply put, I have been a 1 part busy and 2 parts lazy. So today, I figured I would do a little work on the bike instead of being jealous that some people got to ride while my bike is at the shop :angryfire:.

            One small issue I had, besides the swingarm, was my steering stops. They did not allow enough movement from side to side. Luckily, there is no motor in it and I could just pick it up to turn it around. After cutting the stops back (what a pain), all is well.

            I also got my swingarm modified, again, back in May to fix my shock mounts and move them back. I did use a different welder this time around. I also got shorter YSS shocks and sold the zrx shocks on Ebay-for a $75 profit.

            Now: The mount hole are further back by 10mm or so and the shocks are 30mm shorter.

            While getting the tank out, to check the stops, I figured 'what the @#!*% ' and take out some body work and take a shot. I did not put the front on as it would be a pain. If you look closely, you can see the difference between the gsxr clip ons and the cbr929. Also, the Buse rearsets on now on and the 'wings' are cut back.


              Curious, what is the rear shock length eye to eye or eye to clevis?


                340mm and they are adjustable by 10mm.


                  JUst adding a note. Before starting a project like this, check your insurance in your area and see if you can get it covered or if the cost of coverage will work for you.

                  I am having a hard time. The project is not done as I will be painting the frame soon but this project might be dead in the water if I can not get insurance cheaper then I am finding.

                  I can still finish it and track it but I could sell the parts and pretty well break even. I will see in the next few weeks.


                    Originally posted by ukilme View Post
                    JUst adding a note. Before starting a project like this, check your insurance in your area and see if you can get it covered or if the cost of coverage will work for you.

                    I am having a hard time. The project is not done as I will be painting the frame soon but this project might be dead in the water if I can not get insurance cheaper then I am finding.

                    I can still finish it and track it but I could sell the parts and pretty well break even. I will see in the next few weeks.
                    How is your insurance company going to know its modified if you don't tell them? Does Canada's vehicle inspection process pick this up and report back to the insurance company? How the heck does Katman do what he does and find insurance in the great white north west? Are you trying to insure it with specifics so that they replace the aftermarket parts? Or are you just mainly looking for liability type coverage.

                    I never said anything to my insurance company about my modified E and when bike was rear ended they still factored in all the aftermarket stuff, course they were scared I was going to sue for pain and suffering. Things might have been much different if I was in a single vehicle incident where I was at fault.

                    I have a "don't ask don't tell relationship with my insurance company". Not that there is anything wrong with that.


                      Originally posted by isleoman View Post
                      How is your insurance company going to know its modified if you don't tell them? Does Canada's vehicle inspection process pick this up and report back to the insurance company? How the heck does Katman do what he does and find insurance in the great white north west? Are you trying to insure it with specifics so that they replace the aftermarket parts? Or are you just mainly looking for liability type coverage.

                      I never said anything to my insurance company about my modified E and when bike was rear ended they still factored in all the aftermarket stuff, course they were scared I was going to sue for pain and suffering. Things might have been much different if I was in a single vehicle incident where I was at fault.

                      I have a "don't ask don't tell relationship with my insurance company". Not that there is anything wrong with that.
                      Here in Ont Canada. It will be classified as a classic at age of 30. This means only a few insurance companies will cover classics here. They all want/need an appraisal from their approved person- it means they know.

                      Out of the few-there appears to only be one that will cover resto-mods if done by a pro.

                      I am not worried about the suspension stuff-it's the 1100 in the 750 frame and frame mods.

                      Here in Ontario-insurance pretty well have us over the barrel. My company for my Sprint St does even like a after market shock


                        Well, it look this project is dead in the water.

                        The insurance is a 'killer' so to speak. I know I could do it but at what cost to jump through hoops.

                        Also, I would rather spend the money on my Triumph ST suspension and airbrushing equipment.

                        So, all my parts are going to be up for sale and I post a list in the for sale section in the next few days.


                          Looks like I should be dumping all the Bandit/GSXR stuff I bought then. Unbelievable. The insurance a-holes got everything going their way in this province. My car insurance went up another $100, just because.


                            Originally posted by Roger P. View Post
                            Looks like I should be dumping all the Bandit/GSXR stuff I bought then. Unbelievable. The insurance a-holes got everything going their way in this province. My car insurance went up another $100, just because.
                            I would not do it just yet. I modified my frame and was putting a GS1100 motor into a Kat 750 frame. Insurance does not like that. SF will still insure the bike with just up graded suspenion from what I have learned.

                            I was thinking of tracking it but I really want to change out the springs on the Sprint ST and rear shock for my wieght.

                            I also had to pass up some motorcycle helmet jobs and a custom bike paint job recently because I did not have some equipment. This past week I took a custom football helmet job and had to source some things out. I said screw it. And this is just word of mouth as airbrushing and painting is just a hobbie.

                            So, my desicion is more then just insurance. It is multiple of things.

