Current setup :
1979 GS550 L
Intake - Pods (cheap ones), with new intake o-rings. Carbs cleaned, new o-rings installed. (had them apart yesterday and verified clean jets and passages). 102.5 mains, and larger pilot jets as well (forgive me, I don't remember what size, but I do know they are larger than stock) pilot circuit functions well, as judged by plug chops.
Exhaust - modified stock exhaust, at some point a PO removed most of the "guts" in the pipes, so they are almost straight pipes save for what looks like the stock baffle still intact about 1 foot up inside the pipe.
Ignition - Dyna S electronic.
The problem: Engine pulls strongly up until about the 5k range, stumbles slightly, and gets progressively worse until it hits a wall at the 7k mark. At WOT, engine stumbles/gurgles?/ popping noise from exhaust. Will not go past 8k mark at all.
What I have done so far:
Coil relay mod - had 9.5v at coils, now getting 11.8v. When installing mod, I cleaned up connections and repaired poor wiring from PO.
Jet needle - at first I thought this to be a lean condition, so last night I raised the was at 2nd notch from bottom, I moved it to the bottom notch. Problem got worse, it hit the wall at about 6k - 6.5k. So, thinking I mis-diagnosed a rich condition as lean, today I moved the clip up two notches from it's "original" position. Now 2nd notch from top. Still worse, will rev to about 6k if I give it a little "choke/enrichening" lever, without choke it won't rev. So I'm thinking moving the clip up 2 notches was too big a step.
Here's the rub.....the night I performed the coil mod, I took the bike out and it ran clear up to the redline STRONG, and would have gone farther if I'd tried. The next morning, I took it out for a couple hours and it ran well, but was hitting the "7k wall".
I've spent the last week or so doing searches here in the forum, searching no avail, it seems. Similar threads I've read have lead to different air/fuel problems or timing or the igniter. At this point, I'm stumped, frustrated, and my wife told me I have to take a break!!!!
If anyone would kindly guide me in the right direction....ask me anything I may have left out, I'll supply whatever info may help. I just want it to run like it did the night of the coil mod again!
I'm going to go play disc golf, and take my frustrations out on some trees! Perhaps when I get back I'll be in the mood to start wrenching again. Thanks for any help...
I wasn't sure exactly which heading to post this under, I took a stab at the "performance/tuning/mod" since my ride has had mods done to intake/exhaust/coils/etc.. my apologies if I'm in the wrong area. Feel free to move this thread if I'm in the wrong spot!