I have had a problem with my 83 GS1100 dragbike/streetbike it has a few mods 1229 kit small tire chassis with a straight cut gear on crank, GS750 basket , mtc lockup and a undercut trans etc.
Ok here goes....I never used weights on the ends of the lock up arms and decided to give it a try, used a bolt and nylon lock nut on every other arm. I was testing the bike/ improved lock up clutch in my drive way, getting rpms about 6k and semi dumping the clutch when CLUNK the bike just fall on its face. I go to pull the clutch in and it pulls in fine but no action the bike is put into neutrel and pushed back into the Garage
I pull the basket/clutch discs and drives and find nothing really wrong, try and reasemble and find that I can't get the lock nut on the input shaft to stop from locking up the clutch centre when trying to tighten even at 40 ft lbs(it should freewheel), I talked to freinds who said try and shim behind the clutch centre I try shim after shim(small thin washers) and still the centre locks up when tightened. STUMPED I take everything apart find small scorching on the back of the inner Thrust washer behind the oil pump gear not major but I have replacements on a low mile Gs1100 and strip all washers,clutch centre,needle bearing,sleeve,install on problem bike Presto everything works fine for a 5 mile ride,I start the bike up today and same thing happens, inspect clutch centre and it's locked with the clutch basket with the wheel moving in Neutral. Anyone have any idea what the problem is?Anyhelp would be wonderfull...Thanks again.