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Syncing carbs question

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    Syncing carbs question

    I have a 80 gs759e I'm using the Morton carbtune to balance my newly rebuild carbs. I noticed that at idle they don't register well they seem to oscillate a but. So I had to set the idle to 2k to get a consistent reading to balance them. It's running alot smoother but I feltnthe process didn't go as much to the recommended procedure asnit should have. Is this normal?

    Setting the sync at 2000 RPM is just a little above what is suggested in the Suzuki service manual. They suggest 1750 RPM.

    I had adjusted many, many sets of carbs before I saw that suggestion. I have always done it at, or just barely above normal idle, about 11-1200 RPM.

    Now that you have a rough idea how much smoother it can be with the carbs synched, try lowering your idle speed back to "normal" and verify that they are still in sync.

    mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
    hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
    #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
    #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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      at that idle i dont seem to get any reading with the tool....



        Did you plug the vacuum pickup from the #2 carburetor?

        In the photo above, the vacuum line from the #2 carb is plugged with a golf tee.

        Are the intake boots and O-rings in good shape? Is the airbox installed?

        Thank you for your indulgence,



          At the time of syncing I clamped it with vis grips but now a have a valcume plug. I'm thinking of trying again and seeing what I get.


            I think syncing at 2K or 3 K is fine beacuse you are actually at those RPM's most of the time you are riding.

            however too low of idle vacuum is a symptom of cams off 1 tooth

            I do not use the tool brand you mentioned but it may be for bigger engines -

            I do an idle sync -- re adjust the mixture screws for highest idle -- check sync at 2K~3K (checking for inner linkage wear/leakage) re-set if needed -- re check at idle if they are different I choose

            sync at 3K or idle? running good at 30 mph or that sweet harmonic idle tone?

            neither is wrong -- your bike your choice.

            I get best gas mileage when my bike is synced at 3K
            SUZUKI , There is no substitute


              and put a fan on it and use gloves because the engine has to be fully hot for it to come out right.
              SUZUKI , There is no substitute


                Originally posted by trippivot View Post
                and put a fan on it and use gloves because the engine has to be fully hot for it to come out right.
                TRIP what type of gloves do you find are best to use. I always wondered why Suzuki didn't put the vacuum screws in the top of the intake boots instead of underneath as they have done. The #2 carb is particularly difficult to fit and remove the brass fitting for the carb sync, the starter motor gets in the way on that side. The other side is OK.


                  Bass Pro Shop/ Menards -- The super soft deer skin ones that has never gotten wet. After they get wet they get stiffer and it is harder to hold small threaded fasteners. I rotate them from perfect-used-riding-dirty workers and finally - toss. Having had road rash on my palms and worse-just short of losing fingers. I put huge emphasis on wearing gloves in many situations.

                  Mechanix has a neoprene/suede that are pretty good

                  I've seen magnetic tiped finger gloves advertized on the Power Block; 2 Guy's Garage, GEARZ, or Horsepower I forget which.
                  SUZUKI , There is no substitute

