My 1978 GS1000C as I have told many of you is getting some serious attention this winter. I am having to engine overhauled both top and bottom. The crank has been trued and welded as well as having the one end replaced with a new part. Falicon went $650.00 to do the work and from what I hear that is good. The transmission looks clean but the clutch basket was worn as well as the clutch so it is getting both new clutch basket and clutch. I good bead blasting and the bottom is done. Currently we are waiting for the crank to arrive to begin reassembly of the bottom.
The top end is being borred to 1098cc? I think that is right. Anyway it will be an 1100 now and we are porting and polishing the head as well as building up an exhaust dam before putting that back on. I never knew about the exhaust thing but my mechanic showed me how it will reduce turbulance in the exhaust ports of the head. Joe Paparo is the mechanic doing my engine work for me. He is the best when it comes to working on vintage motorcycles and any others for that matter. He really knows his stuff and I am very lucky to have him here for me.
The frame is painted now as well as all the frame parts and I have aquired new side covers for it. I also got a pair of used rear shocks in great shape coming. Things I need to do yet are the tank. It needs a dent fixed and repainted if touching up is too far gone. The seat is good, I just recovered it this year. I also want to find a Wes Cooley Replica race faring for it. No luck so far on that.
I bought a new pair of factory replacement engine gaurds for it but I also bought a used Wes Cooley engine gaurd with foot pegs on it. Not sure which one I want to go with yet but I am leaning towards the factory parts for look and size.
Please check it out at my new home page I am building and feel free to bombard me with all your great feedback and opinions. I want this baby to come out as sweet as I can
