It's actually really cool Mark. I got to see it last night. He got the contract to do this for a guy who does antique tractor restorations. They are putting a brand new Screaming Eagal 1000cc? engine in it and it has a hog seat and the works. It's actually really cool. It will be themed out the rest of the way by the restorer then who collects, museums and sells them. the new engine will sport 67 more HP than the original engine had and exactly the same amount of torque 8O
Anyway, my engine! It was all on the bench all shiny. Valves all cleaned up and shinny. Ported and flow balanced. He does this with some sort of tool that measures flow that looks like it belongs in an ambulance :? :roll:
I dropped off the cams and carbs and we both stood there and drooled over them awhile. He has the right jets and even all possibly needed needles and o-rings for the 33mm smoothies. He will only need to order a gasket set.
He has a few other tricks up his sleeve he said. My stuff was all out on the bench so I am back on the front burner. Not a word was said

This is how he is. And when it is done it will most likely shake the earth and he will charge me peanuts for his time as he always does.
Not sure I can say anything but thank you.
Speaking of thank yous, I don't know who all knows but those awesome Pops Yosh cams and 33mm smooth bore carbs were aquired from our very own katman. Who is quite the celebrity for those of you who have taken the time to look

He is not only a friend, he is my brother! Thx bro

It's a brighter day today. Now I just need another car :?