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1978 GS1000 Complete Engine Overhaul With Mods

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    Originally posted by Mark Harrop
    Admit it, that's your tractor.......

    It's actually really cool Mark. I got to see it last night. He got the contract to do this for a guy who does antique tractor restorations. They are putting a brand new Screaming Eagal 1000cc? engine in it and it has a hog seat and the works. It's actually really cool. It will be themed out the rest of the way by the restorer then who collects, museums and sells them. the new engine will sport 67 more HP than the original engine had and exactly the same amount of torque 8O


    Anyway, my engine! It was all on the bench all shiny. Valves all cleaned up and shinny. Ported and flow balanced. He does this with some sort of tool that measures flow that looks like it belongs in an ambulance :? :roll:

    I dropped off the cams and carbs and we both stood there and drooled over them awhile. He has the right jets and even all possibly needed needles and o-rings for the 33mm smoothies. He will only need to order a gasket set.

    He has a few other tricks up his sleeve he said. My stuff was all out on the bench so I am back on the front burner. Not a word was said

    This is how he is. And when it is done it will most likely shake the earth and he will charge me peanuts for his time as he always does.

    Not sure I can say anything but thank you.

    Speaking of thank yous, I don't know who all knows but those awesome Pops Yosh cams and 33mm smooth bore carbs were aquired from our very own katman. Who is quite the celebrity for those of you who have taken the time to look
    He is not only a friend, he is my brother! Thx bro

    It's a brighter day today. Now I just need another car :?


      I made a progress report phone call last evening. The head is ported and just needs the polishing finished (new bits on order). All the parts for the head have arrived except the new studs. The valve guides, seals and springs are all ready to go in. I am being told I have a two week window to get the frame back to him to pop the motor in.

      I need to call the painter yet to see if that is going to work out before then or not. My gut feel is that this bike may run in its old clothes this summer yet, but time will tell. This is why I haven't started my Appearance Mod thread for the paint yet. I don't want to start another thread that goes out over a year to be completed like this one did

      The clock is ticking...


        Hey guys, I need some more help. I need to get coils now and was told I should get Dyna coils. I agree every one tells me they are best. My question is two fold:

        1. Which ones do I need for my bike? Green?

        2. Where is a the best place to get known good ones at a good price or must/should I buy new? Maybe someone has some?

        Getting closer, thanks for the help man


          get some accel coild instead, they are just as good and cheaper and come with spark plug wires too so that will save you even more money.

          these guys have the best prices they just take a long time to ship. i have ordered from them before.

          78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
          82 Kat 1000
          10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
          Some dirt bikes


            Okay Mark it's your turn in the spot light............

            Mines running now

            Rob's is running too

            How about you
            1166cc 1/8 ET 6.09@111.88
            1166cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.70@122.85
            1395cc 1/8 ET 6.0051@114.39
            1395cc on NOS, 1/8 ET 5.71@113.98 "With a broken wrist pin too"
            01 Sporty 1/8 ET 7.70@92.28, 1/4 ET 12.03@111.82


              Originally posted by Hoomgar
              ..... I need to get coils now and was told I should get Dyna coils. I agree every one tells me they are best. My question is two fold......
              Well, I just had the same dilemma. Which ones to get and really it came down to cost for me. I originally wanted Dynas, dyna wires and NGK caps but after much research went with the Accel setup. Only reason I didn't want Accel was the yellow wires but whatever man...... The Dynas with aftermarket wires and caps were over $220 bucks without factoring in the shipping costs. The Accels were $119 before shipping and come complete with mounting hardware and thicker wires I believe (not 100% sure) so that's roughly 100 dollars cheaper for the same or better performance.....

              I just got mine in the mail yesterday, took 8 days so that's hardly slow shipping IMHO.

              Searching the GSR... (here is one good posting)....
              Accel vs. Dyna debate
              ... I found all sorts of opinions. Earl swears by the Accel coils. He used to have the Dynas but said that after he switched to Accel he got better performance. On the other hand, Keith Kraus swears by Dynas and his bike is sweet as hell so......I'd trust either guy as a GS expert so you can't go wrong either way. On paper they are basically identical and superior to a stock 20 year old coil any day. Comes down to what color wires you want and cost. For me, the cost was the big factor and the yellow wires are no big deal. I want performance. Can't wait to bolt them up and install my Dyna III ignition!

              Flip a coin bro!


                What color wires for the Dynas? Or is that up to you?

                I have no problem with yellow as it will be part of the paint scheme on the tank. May actually look nice.

                Sounds like you guys favor the Accells over the Dynas for more reasons than just cost?


                  the yellow will make you go faster too........

                  78 GS1000 Yosh replica racer project
                  82 Kat 1000
                  10 990 ADV-R The big dirt bike​
                  Some dirt bikes


                    Originally posted by Hoomgar
                    What color wires for the Dynas? Or is that up to you?

                    I have no problem with yellow as it will be part of the paint scheme on the tank. May actually look nice....
                    Dynas do not come with wires. That's the thing, a set of good wires (Dyna, NGK....) will run you at least $80 (any color/way you like them) and the Dyna coils are more expensive as well. So you get the same performance basically for more $$. Not sure if the Dynas come with mounting hardware. Anybody?


                      Well I have made a decision. I am being advised to avoid the Accels because of reliability issues. Not sure, but I trust Joe and he said he has to replace a lot of these and always ends up putting Dyna coils in to fix it. I guess I'll go with it and pay more. At Joe's price I wont pay much more anyway so I have to go with it. He is going to get me hot-orange wires to go with them so it matches my paint. Gonna run me around $130.00 for it all.

                      I am still doing the 530 conversion and we are ordering the sprockets and chain this week.

                      Also ordering a set of K&N pods for my smoothies.

                      The head is done, waiting on back-ordered studs :roll: he is calling them about that.

                      It's being worked on as we speak. Thank God for the snow!

                      Now I MUST get out there and get this thing together. I just don't have the push anymore and there is no heat out there but it needs done just the same.

                      Paint? Paint may wait. I still don't know about the paint.

                      Figured I better post some kind of update.


                        I had a cbx once kinda like this. Just took forever but I finally finished it. I still have it today and it is my most cherished bike because I put so much effort into it. I wouldn`t do it again....ever.


                          Originally posted by cbxchris
                          I wouldn`t do it again....ever.
                          Yeah I feel you there. Never again here either. At least not this way. I need to have more control of the entire project if I am ever to do it again. I plan on doing a 1982 XJ650LJ next.


                            Originally posted by first timer
                            the yellow will make you go faster too........

                            It looks sweet dood I like bright colors on vintage street bikes.


                              Originally posted by first timer
                              the yellow will make you go faster too........

                              Thats a very very nice bike you have Ryan 8)


                                Very nice bike Ryan.

