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1978 GS1000 Complete Engine Overhaul With Mods
Originally posted by Hoomgar
Originally posted by BadBillyBOriginally posted by Hoomgar
We got all the info we needed to use the cams I have and how to setup the smoothies to work with what we have. We also were told by this guy to not use the stock valves as this setup can separate them. So now we have to order valves and that is the set back on the date (sorry John).
On a side note, I had a private offer in email the other day from someone who must have seen on here that I got those 33s. I was offered 500.00 for them. I was very tempted to take it and buy another pair I know is available but I don't work like that and instead made the referal to the other pair for him. See dood, I told you I shoot straight
If you have smoothbore carbs, they are getting rare and are gaining resale value. Hold onto them!
I am going out tonight to do more work. We are going to work on the head and I will be rejetting my own carbs! WooHoo! Joe is going to teach me how to set these bad boys up
If you're wanting to go to higher rpms make sure you replace your valve springs with something heavier. Don't want to have your valves float into those pistons.
Originally posted by lhanscomIf you're wanting to go to higher rpms make sure you replace your valve springs with something heavier. Don't want to have your valves float into those pistons.
Originally posted by SwannyHoomie, are you sure they aren't refering to the valve spring retainers and not the valves?
I am a firm believer in the revlimiter. You may also may want to look into an electric shifter. I have never missed a shift with one or had it pop out of gear. I did have the shifter adjusted wrong at the dragstrip and was unable to use it one time. But once they are adjusted just it hold it wide open and click your footno clutch no backing off the throttle just big ol grins
Originally posted by HoomgarWhat kind of money and time am I looking at for the electric shifter?
I'm having one put on my gsxxee750ed.
click on the Murdoch racing link on Scotty's posts and there is a price for the one they make. There are many company's making them now.
I don't know. I am just too old school. This dern new fangled fancy shiftin stuff.
I just don't know. I never had a problem with the standard shifter.
I am thinking, I install this thing and now I have one more thing
that can go wrong and needs worked on.
Or am I just being paranoid?
Not at all. I do it a lot. But they are talking about something totally different. It's a dragbike guys thing
I didn't post last night because nothing happened. I was asked earlier by a friend about it and then told by another to keep updating the thread with activity or lack thereof. Please don't go starting any trouble with my engine builder. I love the guy but will most likely never use him again for this type work as he is simply to busy to take any more on. Last night I was scheduled to come out and rebuild carbs while he worked on the head as you know. I show up and absolutely nothing got done. And my head is sitting exactly as it was two weeks ago or so and there was simply no time for me or my bike.
I am going to go on record here as saying:
If my 1k isn't done and ready for the PA ride on the first week of May (1 month away) I am buying another bike. I may just do so anyway to be safe. My confidence level in this project is nonexistent. The GS1k WILL be finished someday. But if it isn't in the next couple weeks...
So be it.
I can't take the stress anymore and already ran my very first PA GS ride on a Kawasaki because of this last year. It isn't going to happen two years in a row.
I sure am sorry for dragging everyones interests out so long on this one. I was excited and thought I had something to share here. But as always, when to much control is left in the hands of another cook all that gets backed in the oven is a turd. And this one is so dried out it doesn't even stink anymore!
I wont be posting in here anymore unless it is to respond to a question or comment from another member. Or, if I actually have some progress to report.
Beyond discouraged...
Forum GuruCharter Member
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Past Site Supporter- Oct 2002
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- Angeles Forest, So.Calif./Red rocks of Southern Utah.
I can relate to your frustration.
Even though my project only took about 6 months max, not including fine tuning, I got a bit irritated over the engine rebuild always being delayed. I tried to realize a one (sometimes two) man shop can have work flow problems, but I couldn't understand why so many other bikes kept being put ahead of me. It's almost like they had to be "in the mood" to work on mine or something. Work is work. I couldn't see constantly doing smaller or possibly simpler jobs and delaying mine.
Maybe there's something about operating a shop I don't understand?
All I can offer is to be patient (ha!) and things will work out.And on the seventh day,after resting from all that he had done,God went for a ride on his GS!
Upon seeing that it was good, he went out again on his ZX14! But just a little bit faster!
Hoomie, you need to do the entire job yourself. Actually, engine building is the easiest part, IMHO. Dig in and get your hands dirty. If I lived closer I'd help you.