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Starting issues...all comments welcome!

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    Starting issues...all comments welcome!

    I have a 1980 GS550L engine mated with the BS34 carbs, Uni-Foam filters, stock headers with Harley Sporterster slip on mufflers-
    I recently installed the DynoJet Stage 3 kit for the GS550M kit part number 3314.
    I can't get the bike to start-
    Before the jet kit using Emjunk filters I could get the bike to run, ok, using either tape around the filter, or a restriction plate inside the filter. I figured, after reading hundreds of posts from here and other sources, that once I got the DJ stage 3 kit and the good would be plug and play. It is not for me. I still do not have enough restriction to create the vacuum needed to get the CV carbs to start working.
    I can pull the filters, cover the carb throat intakes, and get the bike to fire up-
    I read on another forum about pod filters blocking the kidney bean shaped port on the intake part of the carb throat. People cut a section out of the filters and apparently that worked.
    Anyone here do that?
    Any other tips-
    Anyone want to trade a smooth bore carb for my CV, hahaha-half serious!
    Thanks for reading-hope to ride this thing yet this Fall.

    "I still do not have enough restriction to create the vacuum needed to get the CV carbs to start working.
    I can pull the filters, cover the carb throat intakes, and get the bike to fire up-"

    The vacuum pistons just sit there during startup-at bottom of their slides - so there's no need to get them "to start working". The "choke" function ( actually an enrichment device) has the job of getting things going and it sounds like yours isn't working. When you cover the throat intakes, you're just forcing the carbs to supply more fuel, but this is the "choke's " intended function.
    1981 gs650L

    "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


      This is what mine does. I can start it with the choke once, but if I don't keep it running for a couple seconds for whatever reason, it won't start again until I manually choke one of the carbs. PITA. Got a little better when I richened the pilot jets a bit. Now I have 1.5 trys to start it.

      Edit: this is only when cold. Starts great without touching the throttle when it's warm.


        Sweet-Thanks! Some things can't be to obvious-I'll take a look at the enrichener slide and such tonight-


          you stated that you have BS34's on a 550?That is alot of carburetor for a 550 , What did they come off of?, Because all the 34's I have ever seen have a wider spread than a 550. If they are 34's you are going to have to feed them some fuel to over come the amount of air they are drawing. The bike came stock with 32's not 34's
          1984 GS1100GK newest addition to the heard
          80 GS 1000gt- most favorite ride love this bike
          1978 GS1000E- Known as "RoadKill" , Finished :D
          83 gs750ed- first new purchase
          85 EX500- vintage track weapon
          1958Ducati 98 Tourismo
          “Remember When in doubt use full throttle, It may not improve the situation ,but it will end the suspense ,
          If it isn't going to make it faster or safer it isn't worth doing


            They are probably the 32's...I can measure in a minute-
            just pulled the carbs, layed them on the bench...
            Started to check the choke system and noticed that without the choke pulled no fuel drained from the soon as I pull the choke, fuel drains for the overflow...does this seem normal-
            Any suggestions on checking the starting system of the carb?


              After going over few BS32SS diagrams (one from bassCliff's Link) I'm going to ensure my starter circuit is clear of any debris-
              I'll be checking back here periodically while doing this, so any tips you may have will be appreciated.


                Originally posted by kwest187 View Post
                Started to check the choke system and noticed that without the choke pulled no fuel drained from the soon as I pull the choke, fuel drains for the overflow...does this seem normal?
                No, it doesn't seem normal, unless the carbs are sitting sideways on bench.
                1981 gs650L

                "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


                  Originally posted by kwest187 View Post
                  Started to check the choke system and noticed that without the choke pulled no fuel drained from the soon as I pull the choke, fuel drains for the overflow...does this seem normal-
                  Any suggestions on checking the starting system of the carb?
                  Not only does it not sound 'normal', I would say it's HIGHLY unusual, because you don't have any "overflow".

                  I see you have very few posts, so can only assume you are new to the forum.
                  Have you cleaned the carbs PROPERLY?
                  Have you adjusted the valves?
                  If you have not done BOTH of these items, don't expect the bike to work properly.

                  mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                  hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                  #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                  #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                  Family Portrait
                  Siblings and Spouses
                  Mom's first ride
                  Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                  (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                    Yes Tom203 the carbs were sitting sideways on the bench when I noticed that. Steve I have not adjusted the valves. I have had the engine running decent at low RPM's using restriction plates in the filters-
                    The carb is pretty clean-but I am planning on double checking the starter circuit-since that is where the trouble lurks. Also I would be interested in some info on how to check my choke is working properly-
                    Thanks for the tips guys-


                      Have you checked the voltage to the coils? I am working on a bike now that has a three volt voltage drop and it was a pain to start. Roy


                        I haven't put a meter on the coils during turn over-easy enough to check. With forced rich conditions, the bike starts pretty easy-
                        I will check everything I can though, thanks!


                          Originally posted by kwest187 View Post
                          Yes Tom203 the carbs were sitting sideways on the bench when I noticed that. Steve I have not adjusted the valves. I have had the engine running decent at low RPM's using restriction plates in the filters-
                          The carb is pretty clean-but I am planning on double checking the starter circuit-since that is where the trouble lurks. Also I would be interested in some info on how to check my choke is working properly-
                          Thanks for the tips guys-
                          Oh, that tube- that's the way the fuel gets to "choke" plungers- fuel enters at bottom of bowl ( see bad pic- dimple in upper right) and travels up to plungers- blow it out.
                          1981 gs650L

                          "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


                            I completely cleaned the starter circuit and the choke system yesterday. All passages are free and clear.
                            I still cannot get the bugger to fire up without covering the carb with my hand. As soon as I do that, it draws fuel out of the bowl and fires.
                            The float height is about 23 mm.
                            Is there a way to richen the starter circuit?...
                            Also, if I turn the bike over and over and over...then pull plug or the filter off. Its as dry as a bone in there...
                            It is NOT drawing fuel from the bowls for whatever reason-unless I choke the carb with my hand.


                              Strange- you're sure the tube that pokes down into carb bowl side is clear at tip ? As long as throttle plates are just about fully closed, when you crank it, there should be enough vacuum pulling fuel up those tubes and thru those little tiny holes in carb throats to supply an extra shot.
                              1981 gs650L

                              "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin

