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clear clutch and timing covers

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    clear clutch and timing covers

    I want to know what material they use to make these and has anyone done a gs yet? timing cover or clutch cover. I thinks its kinda dumb but at the same time I like to see whats inside! Its like a window into the soul!
    I have a spare clutch cover and wish to try my hand at fabbing a clear cover. Here's the rough idea...Check me if I'm making a mistake. I don't have it in front of me, so I don't know the dimensions, but the plan is to cut a mostly circular window with my Dremel tool. There will be a 'notch'...

    i have done my GS1000 clutch and timing cover. LED back lit as well.
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    1978 GS1085.

    Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


      Originally posted by Agemax View Post
      i have done my GS1000 clutch and timing cover. LED back lit as well.
      That looks really cool. did you use a different cover and cut it out? how did you get the led back light to work? would you please help unfold the mystery for me? also where did you get the blue case screws? looks freaking sweeet!


        When all else fails check the gs resources I thought because I was just thinking of doing the exact same thing for my 750. So far have come up short in finding anything since everything I have found as far as bolt on clear covers are for the honda cb's. I am also quite interested in it, more than likely is going to require my local machinist's assistance.


          Originally posted by gs750caferacer View Post
          That looks really cool. did you use a different cover and cut it out? how did you get the led back light to work? would you please help unfold the mystery for me? also where did you get the blue case screws? looks freaking sweeet!
          for the bolts you can try here

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   ok here we go! now i just need to find out how to get the back light inside! but i think i might have a go at this if it doesn't go well i will bite the bullet and get a new cover... wish me luck!


              Good luck for sure and post up some pics when your done, if you would. It would be great to see how it turns out!


                you really need to get the machining done in a machine shop, by CNC preferably.
                cutting out the clutch cover and the perspex using a jigsaw will look rough and be prone to, if you have the clutch operating lever and shaft as a part of the cover (see pic) then you will not be able to use a jigsaw as you need to keep most of the webbing intact in the cover.

                the LED is fed down the crankcase breather hose
                Last edited by Agemax; 07-18-2012, 10:13 AM.
                1978 GS1085.

                Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


                  Wow that looks amazing! How has it held up after removing all the metal between the webbing? I would be afraid of it not having the same structural integrity and cracking on the clutch cover.


                    there is no metal removed from between the webbing, just the outer face of the cover. there is still plenty of metal and strength in there to cope
                    1978 GS1085.

                    Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


                      Hi age

                      Looks amazing. Any chance of a video???? How much pill slops around in the clutch cavity??? Does hot oil have any effect upon Perspex long term??? Oil affect the LEDs???

                      Have admired your setup for ages and have pondered the practicalities.



                        there is a short vid at the beginning of the thread (post 2). the clear cover is acrylic. no probs with the hot oil, just steams up a bit inside until it warms up. the oil dosent seem to affect the LED's either
                        1978 GS1085.

                        Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!

