Preliminary work shows the 1100G intake boots will be way too small to fit the throttle bodies. The good news is that the GSXR boots almost bolt onto the head. A little work with a small round file and they will bolt down. The head side of these are oval, so a little porting will be needed to get them lined up so there is no restriction. I have some pics and will post them later.
I found a good write up here where a set of the GSXR600 throttle bodies were installed onto a 16V GS engine. He links to here, so he is or was a member at some point. It was never completed since 2009, so hopefully I can go further than he did. One thing I noticed was he used the 1100 boots. I think what I have in mind will be easier to do, and will hopefully allow for some flexibility on the installation where he ran into some problems.
The items he mentioned needing like the long 6mm bolts can be replaced by stainless all thread for < $5 at McMaster-Carr, and they also sell 6mm x 10mm x 13mm aluminum spacers for <$1. He specified 6mm x 10mm x 14mm, but 1mm there won't make a difference from what I can see (see update below). I have some ideas for the fuel rail also, but will need to have it in hand first.
When I lined the TBs up for use of the center linkage, I found a 6mm ID x 13mm OD x 19m (3/4") wide spacer would be a better fit. The McMaster PN is 94669A949.