New gsxr gauges with working tach!
twinpot brake mod
new ss brake lines
cartridge emulators with anti-dive block and removal
fork seals
new oil cooler lines (replacing the leakers on there now)
front tire.
This will give my ES an essentially new front end, and hopefully cure some oil drips i've had.
Progress will not be too speedy, cause i have 3 kids under 4 and i work full time and i am lazy, especially when it is cold in the garage, but i will include pics. i know you clowns like pics.
I have much of this stuff figured out already, my biggest questions involve the cartridge emulators. I will be using racetech stuff, i know which model i need, EXCEPT...
is there a difference between the "dirt" and "street" emulators? they have a similar part number, except for an "s" designation on the "street" model. i can get the non-street part # on amazon for 120 bucks, pretty significant savings over the 170 listed on racetech's site. i have not contacted them yet, on searching here they seem to have....questionable customer support, so i figured i would ask here first.
lemme upload some teaser pics for you, get those posted for ya....