I'm glad I didn't go for the 750 cooler because this thing is massive compared to a GS1150 oil cooler.
With just a little massaging, it bolted right up to the horn mounting bolt holes. I'm going to make some adapters to move it up an inch and they'll tilt the bottom of the cooler out away from the headers more. I spent over an hour with two tiny flat heads straightening out all the blemishes in the cooler fins. I'll touch it up with some paint once everything is sorted out.
I also had some header tape that's been laying around for over 10 years, so I thought I'd put it to use. It will cover up the blued headers (I blued them brand new while I was tuning old carbs 10 years ago) and add some protection to the oil lines that run right between them.
I took apart the oil lines as soon as I realized they wouldn't work they way they came. The Katana oil lines are aluminum, and were very compliant to my gentle persuading to get them going in the right direction. I used the top right on the left, and visa versa. Once I got them lined up, the metal sections were less than an inch apart, so I just cut down the Katana soft lines and spliced them in. I still need some crush washers and some hose clamps, but I'm very pleased with the results.
It's hard to see the line, but it's there. I need to get some pictures outside, but it's pouring out.
The adapters in place: