Still it's very bothersome t oalways have to "feel" for the free-play to get taken up, before I can twist in enough throttle for the situation. This is especially true when I've slowed going through an intersection and then re-applying some power. It's just plain NOT smooth unless I use the clutch or take a lot of time "feeling" the free-play as described.
I'v ebeen practicing a different type of shifting technique also. I am attempting to pull the clutch in fully as I let go of the throttle which is failry normal. The difference is that I do this a split second BEFORE I shift, instead of at the same time. Then when I try to add in some power there is that little lag as the cable takes up the free-play.
I'm thinking a different arm at the carb could do me some good here. What I'd like is to have the throttle opening very slowly at fist with more than the normal amount of rotation on the twist-grip. I'm not so concerned what happens at full throttle as long as it's all there when the twist is all the way to it's normal full throttle position.
Has anybody ever herad of anything that can do this ? If it adds a few inches to the throttle cable, I'd be all for it that so I can reduce the free-play to sero if possible.