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Valve springs

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    Valve springs

    We've been racing a GS1000 pretty successfully here but we've had a some valve train problems so I thought I'd ask...

    What seat pressure would the collective mind use with cams around .450in lift and in a roadracing application ?

    The profiles we're using are Lotus Ford twincam which are not bad insofar as acceleration rates go, they certainly seem to be quite stable to the 10,000rpm or so we're running to. Probably similar to Yosh stage 3 plus a little lift. Currently running T1 retainers, 10mm dia shims under light buckets, big APE valves, aftermarket springs set up with 70 -72lb on the seat. Can't really see any way of lightening the valve train any further...

    You should be getting about 90 lbs with our VSP500 springs.
    Speed Merchant


      Thanks Jay. At least one head shop here is saying more pressure - but their expertise is Chevy's....
      I've always tried to use the lightest spring I can get away with but it does look like i'm going to have to go heavier.
      At least i have local alternatives, just as well given the Kiwi dollar has taken a dive...

      Are those springs what you'd sell for a dragrace engine ?

