Few years ago I put Mocal oil thermostat on my supercharged GS. It worked ok but an external thermostat make the oil leak
possibility bigger (more hose connections).
That´s why I start to think how to make it simplier and at same time to make it flow better.
Oem cooler hose connections have about 8mm inside diameter and all oil is flowing through them before returning to the oil filter.
I see no point to orifice the oil flow before engine so why not making the lines bigger.
I made some drawings and started to make new thermostatic housing for my both bikes.
Thermostat internal parts. Wax elent and spring are from car water thermostat (82C opening temperature) and spring washer
& piston are own desingn.

Thermostat housing with hose connections. Connections are 10mm inside diameter and for 1/2" hose.

GS 1150 oil filter cover filled with JB-weld.

Machined & drilled for thermostat housing.

Back side.

And test fitted to engine block.

The thermostat is now tested on my supercharged bike and it seems to work well. it keeps the engine temperature on the highway between 78 - 82C and in the city about 90 - 100C.
I have GSX 600 F oil cooler on that sc GS.