Send trans out and have a professional "race cut" done to it
Grind away the section of the shift drum that causes the fork to pull it
out of 1st when you shift into 2nd
Cut a 45 degree ramp on the braking side of the 1st gear engagement
dog. Narrow this ramp by cutting the sides down, so as only the
center of the ramp contacts the rounded off receiver slot. These
ramps MUST be indexed where they all contact at the same time.
I made some fixtures, with indexing stops, that bolt to the table of
my Makita chop saw....primitive eh
Round off the receiver slots sharp corner making it more flat than round.
You dont have to ramp this part, simply round it off, keeping in mind
that indexing is important. All the dogs must hit the ramp at the
same time or the gear will try and cock on the shaft
Spring load the shift fork by placing a spring on the forks shaft between
the fork and the case. Pretty sure I used rocker shaft springs off
a 4v GS 1100.
Now test your modified gears by placing them on the gear shaft. Hold the
shaft in a vertical position and rotate the bottom or receiver gear
with your hand. The other gear should smoothly and without any
binding, lift right up. If it does not, than fix the indexing issue by
marking dogs with black magic marker and find out which ones are
hitting first. When you get it just right, it will be smooth as glass.
2nd to 3rd is done exactly the same way
You will NOT be able to do ANY engine braking in 1st gear after this mod