Is that photo AFTER the needle jet swaps? Also, I assume these reads are after "general" riding around town? Throttle position matters in trying to narrow it down. Also, are you still having "richness" trouble with 1 and 4, or just 4? If both 1 and 4, and considering all four carbs are set up identically(?) I'd still have to wonder about the spark quality. I know you said you tried another coil but that doesn't prove anything, especially if it was just another used coil. Was it tested?
Have you tried swapping the 1 and 4 plug leads (and the coil terminals) to the coil for 2 and 3? That would prove any weak coil issue.
Also, the pilot fuel screws are not always set at the same point for best performance. They're the fine tuning of the pilot circuit and are commonly set at different points to allow for small differences in each cylinder. It's common to end up with a final setting of: Cyl 1: 1 turn out, Cyl 2: 1 1/4 turns out, Cy: 3: 3/4 turns out, Cyl 4: 1 turn out, or similar. Larger differences may show something's wrong though. I really don't think this is your main problem but wanted to mention it may be contributing to a problem. You don't just set all four of them uniformly. You'll find this out but you have to reach the fine tuning stage first.
Try the coil swap and let us know what specific throttle position these reads are at and if it's 1 and 4, or just 4. Also, the needle jet swap question.
If you still have a problem, it may help to come up with a list of things that can cause richness in one cylinder and we can eliminate things and find the problem.