The bike is now 100%, without a doubt, unmistakeably,...
No change, whatsoever. This is depressing as all hell. I don't know what else to do.
Here's a nice little re-cap:
The bike will start very quickly with full choke and idle at 900rpms. The rpms will then start to climb and reach around 2900rpms and stay there for about ten seconds, at which point the rpms will begin to fall until the bike stalls. No amount of messing with the choke will prevent her from stalling.
If I walk away for about 2 minutes or so and then attempt to start it again, she'll start right away with no choke and idle at 1100rpms, albeit not very strongly.
Now, when she's beginning to stall, I can prevent it by giving her light throttle and holding the throttle on for about a minute or two, at which point she'll idle on her own with no choke. But again, it's not confidence-inspiringly strong.
When riding, if I pull in the clutch and hold it, she'll often stall out on me. More often than not, actually, until I get her warmed up.
When she's FULLY warm, her idle jumps about 800rpms to 2000.
Things I've done:
Cleaned and rebuilt the carbs. New o-rings and gaskets. All floats set to 22.5mm.
Replaced the R/R with a Honda, charging numbers are spot-on.
New sealed battery.
Bandit coils, Accel wires, new NGK caps.
All new filters and plugs.
Cleaned connections.
None of the above changed things in the least.
Please guys,...please. It's a year today since I got the bike and I'm starting to get a little frustrated.