I wasn't looking to get another bike after putting my current 1982 GS1100G on the road just a few weeks ago but came by this bike and just had to buy it thinking i can use it for parts if i could get it for a good price ...
She was being restored by an older gentleman who passed away and the bloke i got it from just kept it in his shed for years so bike hasn't started in who knows how long.
She is missing a fair bit of fairing and the seat and has a bit of cut wiring(mainly blinkers from a quick inspection) but she has good bones. Tires/exhaust/frame/engine block/ carbs look in great shape and i put a battery on her and the dash works too.
She came with a rusty tank with a missing cap/petcock and she has been dropped on both sides from what i could see on the engine guard but that is only cosmetic stuff.
Also front brakes reservoir has a broken sight and clutch lever assembly was broken.
After a giving her a good scrub, i think i'm going to get her going and take it from there, not going to take out any parts of her for now.
One thought that crossed my mind was converting her to a G version without the fairing. Can it be done? a GK to G conversion? doesn't seem like it requires much work.
Cheers guys