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1982 gs 750 my fixing up thread
so after small vacation in the motherland i got back to fixing this thing up.
final coat of paint
and my pinstriping paintjob lol
sorry for cell pics didnt have my camera w/ me
Mark Harrop
Brings back memories of when I got my 82 750....It looked just like yours...
Mine had been leaning up against a house for a few years.
Yep just regular pin striping from autozone dont know how long it will hold up but it doesnt affect the speed lol.
this weekend went pretty well i completed my BRC and got the waiver all is left now is to buy insurance and register the bike.
i got blinkers to flash properly with a new automotive flasher, got the idle adjusted still need to charge that battery a bit more to make it start on its own. and one unresolved issue that is left is lights, they just dont work.
lol, dont really get it but lol.
so does anyone know of a possible solution why my lights dont work.
all fuses are good everything seems to be plugged in the only thing that works is brake lights from both controls, horn works, and blinkers but there are no headlight output what so ever, no rear light and no cluster illumination. neutral,blinker, gear indicator work though. not sure to where even start looking.
So my first season is over, i brought the bike to my folks garage for the winter. I managed to figure most things out to keep it running for now but it is time to refurbish it a bit. My goal is not to have something exceptional but more of functional and clean. So i decided to go through the entire bike this winter paint it and fix odd ends here and there. im just not sure where should i start first front or rear. here is a list of thing i need to do.
frame, tank/plastics, engine, exhaust pretty much everything
fix small oil leaks,
pull the head off to finally find where the lifter nut went (long story)
clean entire wiring harnes
rebuild carbs
change sprokets/chain
fix suspension leaking forks and extremely stiff rear springs
reupholster seat,
change handlebars and controls
led blinkers/dash lights
and probably lots of more stuff i am forgetting, i guess i just want to thank for all the info i learned on this forum hopefully i'll finish all this by april
As far as the headlights, what I like to do when I have a wiring fault is put current directly starting at the destination (along with attaching a dedicated ground wire) to make sure that when the power gets to where it needs to that the piece works properly to begin with. I work my way back at each connection and switch (for areas where there are multiple switches like the ignition system). Then, if that's clear, I work on the ground. Usually I get it with this method.Best of luck! BBW
well riding season is almost here and i started getting the bike into better condition, over the weekend i pulled the engine, cleaned the frame from years of gunk, so far only cleaned the oil pan but will eventually clean the hole thing so i can paint it. cleaned the carbs as per cliffs tutorial and bench synced them, also tried my diy LED taillight in the lens and wonderfully enough yellow turn signals light up yellow even thru the red lens. got the broken exhaust bolt out and put a stud in its place, also installed my new drag bars. i'll post a few pics later of the progress.
here are pics of during
Last edited by Guest; 03-14-2011, 07:17 PM.
also traced out my gaskets if anyone needs them feel free to use print on 11x17 paper, i put some measurements on them so that when you are done printing you can make sure it came out the right size
so i got some more work done, tried cleaning the engine but it was taking forever and nothing seems to cut thru years of grease although it did get much cleaner it still is oily but i am happy that at least its just oily residue instead of layers and layers of gunk, will ride it this way for this season and repaint it next after i soda blast it. got most of the body repainted black and im really digging the paint not too shiny nor flat. well here some pics
painted the base of the swingarm it was real nasty gunk/rust
trim around the tail
tank with cap on
just a quick mock up nothing was bolted on
and refinished header and muffler
hey all, so this weekend i started with this
by the end of saturday it looked a little better
it was long and cold day so i made my own manometer in the evening and called it a night
sunday came it wasnt as cold so i started on the reassembly and ended up with this
i was able to ride around the block for a few mins, so far it is running rich, carbs are only bench synced and im waiting on my colortune so i can adjust the mixture. it rode fine but didnt rev past 8k and was quite low on power but was pretty smooth and consistent thruout the range.
my question is if my diy manometer doesnt work how bad is it to just dial in proper air/fuel mixture with colortune. I mean if the air/fuel is adjusted properly per given cylinder what would negatives effects be of not precisely syncing them?