A hinged lid needs room to pivot up... I don't think there's enough room... shortening the sides may solve that problem though. I didn't get the test fit done tonight because I got distracted by the arrival of the Acewell, so I'm not sure if there's an issue yet or not.
As to the Acewell...
Size comparison to the existing gauges:
And I also picked up the tacho plug from the dealer today, and from memory I should be able to remove the tach drive without lifting the valve cover or the exhaust camshaft:
Apparently Saturday week I'm going to get Saturday to do the install, so that gives me a week and a half to get my act together and get it all planned out, although I need to finish the battery cover off first.
The fun bit will be trying to find plugs matching the OEM gauge plugs on the harness so I can try to avoid butchering the harness and be able to put the stock gauges back on if I encounter some major issue along the way.
I think there's a vintage connector place in the US that will have them but there's no way they're going to be here on time so it will have to be somewhere local or find some other way.