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Got my GS 750's

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Got the carbs back on finally.With all the snow and cold (for Victoria) been a little hard to motivate myself.Got it running so I adjusted the idle screws then used my old mercury carb sync tool to sync the carbs.Decided the Supertrapp was to muffled so I took off the end and discs.Tried it that way, to loud for this old gitSo in went all 9 that I have(added 3) and that sounded better.
    Couple of other things.It was way rich before.The exhaust out of the Supertrapp would coat the swing arm with soot.Narry a spec of soot to be seen now.Choke now works like it's supposed to.Mostly down to Mr.Barr's o ring kit.
    Last edited by Guest; 02-27-2011, 01:07 AM.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Had to pull the carbs,again!Paint in the idle speed adjuster made it so I could not turn it with my fingersNothing else to do so out they came again.The red and blue paint was looking really bad so I took it off and

    Made it a lot less flashy but more durable.
    Last edited by Guest; 02-26-2011, 09:42 PM.

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  • pete

    Man I'm so jealous of your carbs... finished assembling mine tonight and they look like crap. I really need to do something cosmetically with them after I fire it up for the first time, maybe while I'm getting the exhaust made or waiting for paint to cure or something...

    I'm so glad to see you've got it started again, great stuff!

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Was really good to hear the engine go!Got just a bit more fiddling to do then on to the body work.Was tinkering with the idea of running the bodywork rat and doing it next year.The wife said she didn't think that was a good idea.Have to say I agree so that's next.

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  • Hoosier Daddy
    Guest replied

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  • gearhead13
    Guest replied
    Nice, one step closer.
    I did manage to put the fuel line on my carbs with them installed, but it was a serious PITA.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Well it's getting closer but I was looking at the carbs and realized there was no fuel line.The port on these bike is so buried the only real way to get it on was to take the carbs off.

    So that's what I did.Getting real good at getting then off and on.Got some Tygon(sp?)gas line at a local power supply outfit,then remembered the local MC shopSo there was some gas in the tank,thought there was enough.There wasn't when I filled the tank some more and pushed the starter

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  • Billy Ricks
    Guest replied
    The o-rings look good. I just use fuel line cut to length. Doesn't look as good as the rings though.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    The stock rubber is still available,not expensive in the States.If I had other parts to order I would have tossed one in.As it is I think I like this better anyway!
    Going to insert a plug for the new 83-86 GS700/750 Owners Group I started

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  • Hoosier Daddy
    Guest replied

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Yeah I'm happy they are good to.One less thing to worry about.
    Out of 4 bikes this is the only shifter rubber I had

    And the rest didn't look to good either see pics in post #269.Got some O rings at the local home improvement stores plumbing section,here's the result:

    O yeah polished up the rear brake lever to.Here's a close up of the shifter:

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  • pete
    Originally posted by SVSooke View Post
    Meant to do an little update yesterday but got lost in things.Put a battery in and turned the key on,no smoke or blown fusesThe instruments didn't light up though,wondered whyHit the started and the motor went round and roundThought "probably not a good idea with no oil in it" So I put a new filter and O ring in(yes I took the old ones out) and put some 15/40 Rotella inThen I seen why the instruments didn't light up,they weren't plugged inHad already taken the battery out by then but it should be fine.
    BTW if you do get the Metalcast don't buy the yellow,looks nothing like real anodizing
    Ooooh nice one! Wish my electrics were in as good a shape as yours!

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Meant to do an little update yesterday but got lost in things.Put a battery in and turned the key on,no smoke or blown fusesThe instruments didn't light up though,wondered whyHit the starter and the motor went round and roundThought "probably not a good idea with no oil in it" So I put a new filter and O ring in(yes I took the old ones out) and put some 15/40 Rotella inThen I seen why the instruments didn't light up,they weren't plugged inHad already taken the battery out by then but it should be fine.
    BTW if you do get the Metalcast don't buy the yellow,looks nothing like real anodizing
    Last edited by Guest; 02-19-2011, 03:34 AM.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    I knew you where in Vic.Couldn't remember your user name when I responded to this thread .Yeah I was the right guy with the $ to do it.Don't really have the space either,just did it.Been quite a good deal,selling parts has made the 85 almost free.From what the owner of Salvage was saying there where a few poeple looking.Really lucked out getting it running like I did.Yes this is definatetly the right place to be.

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  • mcycle-nut
    Yeah, I saw those down at Salvage a while ago. They sparked my interest for a second or two, but then sanity clicked in. TOO MANY PROJECTS!! Oh yeah, and not enough room.
    Good luck to you!! I see you've come to the right place!

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