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Got my GS 750's

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    It's late fall here going into the cold season.No I've got lots of work to do before spring.Cleaning all the conectors in the wiring,preping bodywork,painting more hardware.................

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  • pete
    Awww man you're cruisin' along! You'll be done mid winter at this rate and be itching for autumn to come along! Oh wait, is that fall over there? Not sure what you call autumn... oh well...

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    What can I say? it is what it is.Nobody cares about the sap 25 years later trying to revive a old bike, on that subject got a few things done today:

    Wanted to use a 83 top triple with my 85 bottom triple,the one I painted.It seems Suzuki changed the offset for 85,so I dug out a 83 lower triple.Have a really nice 83 triple cover I want to use.
    Put this together to:

    To lazy,to late and to cold to put it in tonight.Hope it goes in easier than last time.
    AZR: We'll do that.As for the airbox

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  • azr
    Holy cow, talk about poor design. And I thought the 78 1000 air box was a pain at times. I won't tell you how easy the 850 air box comes in and out. Restore is lookin' good. We'll have to hit the tarmac come spring.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Rkt-Rch View Post
    You can get it in but you must remove all the engine bolts drop it down to the frame and lube up the box and then push/prey real hard... ask me how i know... This was the stupidest design ever!
    Yeah you probably could do it that way,but it's just as easy to take the bare frame off.
    The engine as painted in one piece Pete.No way I'm taking apart a engine that runs a sweet as this one.

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  • pete
    Geeez and I thought the 450 was bad! I'm ditching mine for K&N's to go with what I hope will be a nice custom exhaust.

    Apart from the appearance perspective, I do not want to deal with getting that air filter off and on several times while tuning the carbs for the exhaust

    Did you paint your engine in one piece? I don't recall seeing that you rebuilt it unless I missed something...

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  • Rkt-Rch
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by SVSooke View Post
    Airbox on these has to go in before the engine.There is no way to get it in with the engine in the frame at all.Believe me I tried.Forgot to say I paited the engine to

    You can get it in but you must remove all the engine bolts drop it down to the frame and lube up the box and then push/prey real hard... ask me how i know... This was the stupidest design ever!

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Airbox on these has to go in before the engine.There is no way to get it in with the engine in the frame at all.Believe me I tried.Forgot to say I paited the engine to

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  • pete
    Oooooh pretty! I like it

    Smart move getting that air box in real early on too, I must say I have a particular loathing for mine and I've only had to remove it once.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    To many posts with no pics so.....

    Managed to get the engine in the frame,twice.Forgot the airbox.So me and my wife had to pull the frame off and put it in.Pods where looking real good at that point! The frames paint is really tough only had to do some minor touch ups
    Did some more polishing on the swinger.Just to get it a bit nicer you understand.Painted it with clearcoat for alloy wheels,don't want to be forever repolishing it.Did the back covers to.Not nearly the work that the swinger was.All in all a pretty productive day.
    Patman: Go for it at the right price.Spares is good
    Last edited by Guest; 11-27-2010, 11:50 PM.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Heard someone on the radio saying this was about a month early.Living in this general area all my life that`s true.Most of the time snow is in January.Sometimes December or February,some years there is none at all.Most of it`s gone in Sooke and the other areas it`s disappearing fast in the rain that`s come in.Can`t say I`m sad to see it go.
    BTW I was born and raised in the Vancouver area.Moved to Victoria 17 or so years ago.Love the Island!
    Last edited by Guest; 11-27-2010, 09:04 PM.

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  • pete
    Ouch! PITA indeed! Man you definitely something electrical for that.

    I'm hoping you get a buffing wheel too!

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  • Patman
    Guest replied
    The swingarm looks great! You are inspiring me to get started on my 1983 GS750E project.

    BTW, I have a line on a 1985 GS750EF parts bike I might purchase if the price is right. I like the look of the full fairing.

    In Kingston, ON, we have still not had any snow- YET, so far this winter, I don't envy you.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    The swinger took two evenings of sanding by hand to get all the finish off.It was a major PITA.Got to get a buffing wheel or two for my grinder. May get a buffer for Christmas,my in-laws asked my wife what I wanted so that's what she said.Would make this stuff way easier.

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  • pete
    That's lookin' real good indeed, and that swinger... well... if you did it by hand I bet you got some sore fingers

    I must admit I got lazy with my ignition, figured noone's ever gonna see it so I just whacked it back on.

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