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Got my GS 750's

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  • pete
    Mine went in our old BBQ... our oven's dodgy enough as it is for cooking food so can't put my parts in

    Good to see you're getting some progress in there, can't wait to get back to mine!

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  • SqDancerLynn1
    Guest replied
    Sounds like a win win !!!

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Did some bits and pieces painting today

    Baked them,I've said it before but I love the fact my wife doesn't freak out when I do this.Her mother did when I let it slip I was doing that

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Don't think it's as good for really gummed up carbs.Mine where not bad to begin with,mostly dirty on the outside.Had a little drama putting them together,there are little washers between the spring and the O ring on the idle jets.I lost one,started to search for it.Then I remembered I have a set of spare carbs.Came in handy for putting the enricher linkage together to.

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  • pete
    That looks much cleaner! Looks like the Pine Sol's a good alternative to the Berryman's too.

    I have yet to work out what I can get a hold of over here in the land of Oz, but it's not urgent at the moment.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Painting is waiting for spring here.In the mean time

    I soaked my carbs in Pine Sol Like in this thread as you can see it was getting the grime off in this pic.Left it overnight as I had to attend my father in laws 70th birthday.

    This is the result.Put in Mr Barr's O ring while I was at it.Also changed out the screws for some allen heads

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  • pete
    Even with rattle cans that care should give a good finish.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly experienced either! My only spray experience so far was the plastic paint and I found that very easy, but they were relatively small plastic pieces, nothing like a tank or anything like that.

    Other than that, everything for me is brushed on.

    I'll have to change that when I get to my tank and mudguards and stuff though, will definitely need to look at spraying them properly.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    I'm really not that good a painter.Actually this will be the first bike I haven't rattle canned.Did my GS650E with rattle cans,not the usual quick spray it down and hope for the best(like the PO of mine).I took my time, sanded between coats and cleared it.It was not show quality but it was way better than most of the hack jobs.There is just way to much stuff to do this bike that way.
    Last edited by Guest; 11-07-2010, 08:49 PM.

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  • pete
    Yeah I shoulda known that...

    Should look much better when you're done though, keep that in your mind as inspiration.

    I wish I was a bit more skilled at painting as I was a little unhappy with the number of runs and some unevenness in coats, but that's about the best I could do. As a child, I had trouble colouring within the lines...

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    To refresh this thread this is my bike

    Yea full fairing.Got more to sand ,prep and paint.Lots more.Good thing I really like the look of it
    Last edited by Guest; 11-05-2010, 05:13 PM.

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  • pete
    Ouch that's a lot of body work to paint! Could be worse I guess, you could have a full fairing...

    Guess that's why I like my bikes nekkid... when I drop 'em there's not much to damage

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied

    Yes there is a lot to prep and paint.If this picture is any indication of how it will look it will be worth it.Of course mine will look even better(I hope)

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  • pete
    That's looking good to me! I don't envy you having to paint the bodywork though, there's a lot to do!

    When I did my frame I hung it in the garage, but then again all my paint so far has been brushed on except a couple of plastic bits which I used a spray can for.

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  • SVSooke
    Guest replied
    Questions are fine.Didn't use a drop cloth of any kind to do this .When I paint the body work I will have to do some thing more.I have a lot of body work on this bike.It's going to be interesting.

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  • cowboyup3371
    What did you use for a backdrop to catch any overspray? I'm curious as I intend to paint my tank and plastics next year and am not sure where I want to do it yet since I don't have a garage.

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