This will be the official build thread for the new suzuki, dubbed the "Machi Akuma" translates to "street demon"
Plan on approx 6" or rear stretch (or however much i can get going from a 104 link chain to the 130 link i ordered)
Some fairly extreme rake
This bike will be a long and low jap chop to just toy around on. She will be amazingly stable on the highway, but will have the turning radius of the titanic...haha
The to-do list:
1)Tear down
2)Repair engine (cam chain adjuster, part is en-route0
3)Hack off the rear of the frame
4) Adjust rake (may end up doing a gooseneck)
5) Fabricate exhaust
6) Fabricate Seat pan
7) Setup seat suspension
8) Modify trailer fender for use (have to section about 2 1/2 inches out of middle)
9) Fabricate axle mount taillight and license plate holder
10) Fabricate forward controls (DONE)
11) Fabricate forward control linkage
12) Gusset additional frame at stress points
13) Install new chain and see if im going to need a chain roller of sorts
14) Fabricate battery box
15) Wiring
16) Assembly
17) Shakedown ride
I know I'm missing a few things, but I am operating on 2 hours of sleep right will add as they come to mind.
As she sits Right now:

the 650 twin
