But my first bike was a Suzuki and really loyal to brand and want to get this one back on road. Never have attempted anything like this but I know that with this forum I now have a good knowledge base to be successful.
She was running good but then Clutch cable broke, waiting for that part - the carbs gummed up, I took them apart but didnt have skills to determine what exactly was wrong, though did manage to get them back on and bike started. - Ran into money problems an now battery wont take a charge.
So until I can get new battery - I believe first order of business is to
1. Check tank for rust
2. Spray oil (any suggestions) down cylinders and make sure engine isnt siezed.
3. Once I get battery then I guess I see if it will fire up - yes = start from front and work my way to rear.
Any and all suggestions are welcome. I have already subscribed to several other 83 GS750 threads and will read their posts to help with troubleshooting and parts.
Also, once she is running and street worthy really want to find a half or 3/4 fairing for her - so I wonder if one off a 550ES or 1100/50 ES would work.
Really glad to finally this site. And will contribute to site next paycheck.