I have a buddy who lost interest in an '82 1100 E and I snatched it from him before he could change his mind. The roller is for sale BTW.
The bike sat outside for 10 years I can count and probably more. The bike has moss growing out of a seat crack so you young budding CSI's out there can do the math.
Was a little concerned when I pulled the plugs out and one had rust around the lower ring but with liberal application of penitrating oil, the motor seems to spin fine. Will know more when I pull the top off it.
It had 33mm smooths on it and they are grungy (sp?) but the slides go up and return but I'm afraind to open them up too.
The clutch basket had a V&H backing plate put on it at some time. When I pulled the plates and hub, one of the rivits fell out on my foot. Finding that was worth the price of the rebuild I'm thinking.
The frame is going to be a hy-bred copy of a Denco Model 411. This was the frame for the Z1 I4's of the day. The premise for the design is their angles and wheel base built to fit around my motor.
As it stands right now, the top of the steering head is a little better than 33" and the proposed seat location is at about 21.5". That is with a little less than 5" of ground clearence under the engine cradle. The rear tire area width is 11" or just run the engine cradle back straight and call it good.
I have a Busa rear wheel on the way and will put a MT 7" slick on it.
The design is this far to date.
And as you can see, it's far from complete. Dave at D and G Chassis
asked to see these pics and said he would give them the once over for me. I sent him about 4 paragraphs of questions, hope I didn't scare him off.
Anyway, that's what I have so far, thanks for looking, Rick