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'81 GS450L Cafe Project

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    '81 GS450L Cafe Project

    I am starting a rebuild to turn an '81 GS450L into a cafe racer. There's one problem, I live in a condo without a garage. Luckily I have two spare bedrooms and one has a back porch at ground level.

    The GS450L when I brought it home:

    I threw a set of clubman handle bars on it to see the cafe racer profile.

    The first step is converting my study to be used as a motorcycle workshop. I moved some furniture out and laid down some plastic to protect the floor from any spills, accidents, etc.

    This is my first time ever rebuilding a motorcycle or doing any fiberglass work, so if you have some pointers as I go feel free to post!

    The Build Start:
    I wanted to start this build with trying to teach myself how to work with fiberglass (something I have never done.) I watched a lot of videos online about techniques and mold making before attempting this.

    I went to Home Depot and picked up some R-10 foam board, carpenters wood glue, sand paper & sanding blocks, face masks to keep the dust out of my lungs, and a few other little things. All in all I spent about $40 at home depot for all of the supplies. I also picked up fiber glassing supplies after a lengthy talk with an employee at TAP Plastics, i ended up getting out of there with a small self-made fiber glassing kit for about $60.

    It’s time to start cutting the foam to make a mold. I measured out the size I wanted my seat and rear tail to be and started cutting out a very rough shape.

    Next I glued the tail section together and set a heavy can of resin mix on it to allow it to dry for 24 hours.

    The glue setup nicely, so I started shaping it more trimming the edges a bit.
    I started sanding by hand (I prefer to sand by hand so I can move slowly and carefully, it’s also kind of relaxing)

    That’s as much progress as I have made so far.
    As for the future, once I get it completely shaped I am going to bondo over the entire thing and sand it back down again (If the mold turns out nice I may use it multiple times and I want to protect it a bit.) I am hoping by the end of this weekend I will have my first fiberglass seat prototype. If you have any questions about the build, please ask.

    Cool! Another GS450L cafe project

    You have a great start to the seat but the hump looks too tall and the flat spot on top isn't very pretty. Oh, and I think the it should be curved right behind the seating area instead of 90 degrees. Just my opinion.

    For all your cafe needs, questions, and inspiration, go to DO THE TON!

    I'll be watching this one!


      No exp. building a cafe racer but seeing as you have hardwood floors, if you haven't already it might benefit you to put plywood down with something soft and kind of think inbetween the floor and the wood to save dents in it.



        Flaming - absolutely, i am going to cut the back down a bit and try to get it nice and round all the way up to the back. Sanding by hand takes some time lol.

        Ranger - I was planning on getting some of those weight lifting mats (the rubber ones made for dropping weights on them) just in case.


          Posting to watch / help if I can. Google search images for "Bum Stop" as well as "Cafe Seat"... and +1 for DTT


            Originally posted by gjohnson View Post
            Flaming - absolutely, i am going to cut the back down a bit and try to get it nice and round all the way up to the back. Sanding by hand takes some time lol.

            Ranger - I was planning on getting some of those weight lifting mats (the rubber ones made for dropping weights on them) just in case.
            Good, but there is no "just in case" its always for "when it happens"


              If you want to speed up the process there is no need to 'bondo" the plug, simply "wrap" it in plastic packing tape. Just make sure that the skin is impermeable since the resin will melt the foam if it gets to it.

              If you want an even easier method, you can use epoxy resin and apply your glass cloth directly to the foam. This makes for an extremely rigid and light seat pan.

              Before you actually construct the seat/tail, you should try the form on the bike as it may need some fine tuning. The first one I did I found to be too wide and high where my legs would go causing it to rub and pinch my thighs. Very uncomfortable. You will also want to think how you will attach it to the bike frame. You may need to fabricate brackets to be "glassed" into the seat pan too.

              When forming the "hump" its most pleasing to look at when it follows the curve of the tank so again mock up the plug on the frame of the bike and view it from all the angles before you get too happy with the resin and cloth.

              Fabing fiberglass parts is a lot of fun. Messy but fun

              Enjoy and keep us informed of how it goes.

              Cheers & good luck,


                I want to bondo it so it will last longer, if this bike turns out nice I might make a few for people if they are interested.

                I finished up the foam board mold and it will be ready for bondo tomorrow night. and sanding Saturday... fiberglass on Sunday?

                I wanted the seat to be a little shorter, I like the look of the rear tire sticking out past the bump a few inches.

                Here's the pictures:


                  Yum. That's looking better


                    Welcome to the forum and it's great to see another 450 coming along and getting some attention.

                    I like what you're doing so far and can't wait to see how it progresses.
                    1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                    1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


                    450 Refresh thread:

                    Katana 7/11 thread:


                      Thats seat looks good! Great job!


                        Thanks for the support everybody going to pickup some bondo on my way home from work today. Does anybody have a recommended brand?


                          +2 on DTT!!! Very creative bunch over there.


                            Well not to spoil your plan but bondo is not the right material to make a lasting "buck". Bondo will shrink, crack and or split. It may give a few months of use but once you get into hotter and humid weather its going to cause issues. To do it right you need fiberglass.

                            The method I mentioned works just as well or better as the tape can easily be replaced if anything happens to it. With multiple layers of tape it will last for a long time.

                            Just speaking from 20+ years of experience.

                            Good luck with it.



                              So do you think I should wrap the foam in tape, then fiber glass over the top of that for the mold (so the wold would essentially be fiberglass,) then I could make my seat pan by putting fiber glass on fiber glass with gelcoat between?

