Here's the list of parts the bike is missing...
1. No Keys... I've heard rumors that there might be a code somewhere on the ignition that could lead to getting a key made. Need to pull the ignition and look.
2. Ignition Switch wiring... It's missing. The harness is there but somebody pulled the wiring from the base of the ignition switch unit.
3. Battery... YB10L-A2 There seems to be a lot of replacements available.
Here's the real kicker!
4. The CDI/Ignitor Box... It's missing. Saw one on ebay but they don't appear to be common. Could be the hardest part to get.
5. Front Brake Cable and Master Cylinder... not impossible to find.
The engine looks pretty clean otherwise. The gas tank was disconnected and unbolted but with no key can't get a look inside. Petcock is a bit stiff to turn.
The engine still has oil in it. Dark but not horrible. I still need to check the plugs.
I need to remove the Stator cover and see if it's still in there.
I'm guessing I'll have to spend around $200-$300 bucks just to see if it will run.
Are there other things I should be looking at?
The odometer reading says about 6850 miles. Seems sad that the bike didn't have a better life.
The CDI box is going to be a pain isn't it.
But hey, it was free right?
