bike story-----
i bought the bike for $500 from a friend in basicly pieces the end of last spring. the last time it was registered and inspected was 93' so for all i know it has been sitting for 17 years in a shed in pieces. the tank was a different color,the carbs were off and in pieces(friend attempted to clean it to try and fix it and gave up) the front cowl is all busted up, the ignition cover was broken, the front brake lever was bent, the right clip on was bent, airbox battery and fusebox are gone and the front master cylinder has a flat spot on the corner, besides the various weathing wear and tear(seat stiches) and such
to me it looks like the PO lowsided on a right hand turn and then parked it. my friend claims to know nothing about the accident or when it happened. it was his dads(who died) then an uncle took it for a few years then it got past to one of his friends' dad and then back to him then to me. so lol i got no real clue but somehow he managed to find the title so its legal at least.
we spent a day with 3 cans of carb cleaner and a can of starting fluid trying to get it to start before i took it, it would crank and fire but wouldnt stay running for more then 3 secs and it wasnt on all cylinders. but it had a spark of life to it and i was exicited to have my first bike so i took it home.
the work--------
last year i got it running enough to get it inspected and registered so i could ride and put about 500 miles on it. i parked it late nov and got it out again early march. ran out the old tankful filled up with premium and ran that through putting on 200 miles this year then i took it apart to paint and make it less ugly.
so what i did so far,
. took off the wiring harness and re organized and rewraped the whole thing and put on new connecters
. new battery
. all new bulbs, headlight taillight all 4 signals, licence plate, and all 8 darn bulbs in the gauge cluster
.valve adjustment YAY for locknuts no shims for me
.replaced ignition cover
.located an old airbox on ebay(never been a fan of pods for some reason)
.drained bleed cleaned refilled all the brakes
. new right clipon and brake lever
.since it was multicolored,...stripped, sanded and primered all the plastics and tank
.new clutch springs and cover gasket ( didnt take the discs out cause i dont have a compresser for my airgun to take the bolt off
. new tach cable
.new oil filter, gasket and oil ran for 100 miles and chaged it again,.. could have been 17 year old oil in it, so i chaged the oil 4 times in the 700 miles ive driven it so far to make sure i got all the crap out of loosened up sludge and junk
.new rear grab bar to replace the out of shape bent old one
.located an old starter cover off ebay(mine was gone)
.evaporust dipped the headers,scrubbed um and painted um with vht header paint
.replaced about 30 screws with ss allen heads
.took apart, dipped, cleaned reassembled carbs
.new intake boots, orings and new carb to airbox boots
.new air filter and set of new ngk plugs
that was all done last year to get it rideable it was ugly but it ran and just getting riding was what it was all about