Worst. Decision. Ever.
So recently I was in the market again (as if I ever left... pssshhh) and I re-acquired my old gs! It had sat for a year and a half and was in need of a good deal. Well, it still is. But luckily having gone through 5 bikes in the meantime I am reasonably comfortable with tackling it again. That said, what will follow is the rebuild of my old bike.
Originally I wanted to do the cafe racer thing so I stripped it down to bare bones and added clubmans. Yes, I'm one of those. I still love old cafe bikes but I want to do something just a tad different. Just a tad.
Sent my carbs off today to be rebuilt cleaned and synced. I wanted to do it myself but having sat as long as it did and having never touched carbs I decided to have a professional do it. Expensive, yes, but necessary.
Next thing I did was break out a hacksaw and cut off the excess rear frame. I just personally thing without that bench seat the bike is way too long. I then fitted the old rear fender in. Still need to pop in some bolts but the suns gong down and in Florida you dont want to be out after dark by the woods- the mosquitoes will eat you alive.
When I first got the bike after taking off the seat:

After removing the rear fender:

Shaving the badges and painting the tank primer white (still havent decided on color scheme)

Then it was traded...
Picking it up 2 years later...

More pics taken today of chopping the frame and fitting the fender- just have to upload them.
Wish me luck!