Instead of constantly starting a new thread every time I run into a little issue, I thought it would be far less annoying for everyone and easier for me if I just kept it all here.
This is unlike the other projects/rebuilds which seem to be done by highly skilled problem solvers. Yes, I'm a noob. With that said, if you can offer some help it would be greatly appreciated.
Problem of the day:
So I need a new chain/sprocket badly on this bike. Obviously to achieve this I need to get my rear wheel off the ground and have access to the front sprockets.
1. Some previous owner removed the center stand, so I have to try and use swingarm stand. Unfortunately the low slung exhaust is in the way of this. Is there any way I could lift the bike without having to remove the entire exhaust? This isn't a HUGE hassle, but it does seem excessive to just lift the rear tire. I was thinking of lifting it with a jack but that seems a bit unstable...
2. I can't seem to remove the cover for the clutch assembly/front sprocket. After MUCH force, I've removed all of the bolts I thought I need to remove (in red) but nothing seems to be coming off. Im wondering if the screws for this center cover (i dont know the technical name) needs to come off too. The screws highlighted in yellow.
I've looked up the diagram on Bike Bandit but can't really tell if it's necessary to be removed.
3. I considered trying to "fish" the chain through (and not replacing the front sprocket) but i NEED to remove this because I need to check if I broke the clutch release assembly. http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...d.php?t=175648

Thanks in advance generously patient members of GSR!