The PO and I had worked for the same Freightliner dealer before I was disabled, and I trusted him as much as you can trust any PO. Not really a wise move on my part.
Before we started any work, I searched the Internet and found this forum and BikeCliff's website. My son has had 3 Kawasakis and a Victory Vegas that we maintained together. I didn't find as much info on all of them put together as from GS Resources. This is a great site with some very knowledgeable members. The only one that even compared was his first bike a Ninja 250.
With manual and wiring diagram in hand we started checking the wiring and electrical. PO had added a ground wire to the starter solenoid, but instead of grounding the solenoid body, it was connected to the output for the starter motor. I'm pretty sure this is what burned up the solenoid. I replaced with a Freightliner solenoid. It bolted right in place. Sorry about the bad picture quality. I'll try to get some better ones soon.

The R/R had been replaced. The old one was still mounted with all wires cut and the new one was flopping loose inside the air box. The wires were twisted and taped. I soldered an heat shrinked all of these twisted connections and secured the R/R. At this point the starter would turn the engine over, but it would only fire when the starter button was released. We cleaned and tightened all connections. Removed and cleaned switches especially the kill switch. It would now fire, but very weak. Installed the coil relay mod and got excellent blue spark.
Removed, soaked and cleaned carbs. Used torch tip cleaner to clean all jets and passages. Installed new o-rings and float valves. PO has put aftermarket kits in carbs at some point because main jets and pilot air jets are wrong for this application. Main jets are 110 and should be 97.5. Pilot air jets are 160 and should be 175. We replaced carb holder o-rings and 2 of the air box boots. The engine now runs and performs fine mid range and full throttle, but is too rich at idle. I'm pretty sure this is because of the pilot air jets, but these 175's seem very difficult to find. Carbs are only bench synched at this point until I locate all needed jets.
I haven't owned a motorcycle in over 23 years since before my oldest son was born. It probably wouldn't hurt for me to take the MSF course or a refresher course. My youngest son is helping me work on it now. He wants to learn to ride and take it to college this fall.
There's still quite a bit of work to do. I'll keep this updated and hopefully add more pics. Can't buy anymore parts until next month. We have less than $400 in it now and it does run. Thanks for all the help guys.
