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1983 Suzuki GS1100ED --- "Big Boy"

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    If he asks you about your experience then yes mention it to show your breadth of knowledge and how you aren't afraid to learn new things. But otherwise no.

    Good job, good luck, and do us one thing? Be 15 minutes early for the interview; any later or even earlier and you won't make that great of an impression. Course, you already knew that though.
    Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

    1981 GS550T - My First
    1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
    2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

    Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
    Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
    and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


      OK. Good stuff. If I get there a little early, I guess I'll just sit in the car for a little bit . Oh yeah, it's a 30 min drive to get there. Kinda far... But whatever.


        Are you not RIDING there ??

        Good luck!


          Originally posted by psyguy View Post
          Are you not RIDING there ??

          Good luck!
          I would love to ride there but I haven't fixed this electrical problem yet. Perhaps after a few paychecks from the job


            Only USA can view the video. Stupid song .

            It's nothing anyways. Just another video slideshow thingy that shows what I've done to the bike so far


              Bike looks great man. Kudos.


                So today was a bit more exciting. Woke up at 8 AM and went to check out Firestone in Ballard. Good, I found it. Bad news is that it's a 30 min drive just to get there then it took me 40 mins to get back home because this road was closed. I hope they fix that soon. 20 miles one way 40 miles both ways. So that's about 1 gallon of gas everyday!

                Then I had rlong74 over at my place. I instantly recognized the sound coming down the road. His sweet 1981 Suzuki GS450T . Man... I really do miss mine. Anyways, we had a good talk about stuff then I gave him his GSR patches. Lucky him... Got a free red one! But I guess I owe him that for letting me ride his GS450. Felts just like mine except better. The throttle was smooth, clutch is awesome, and those Avon tires are MUCH better than my old crappy Cheng Shin Marquis.

                There is a noticeable size difference.

                Thanks for coming over Ryan! Always nice to put a face on the forum name.

                Now after he left. I went to put my bike in the garage. I dropped my bike on the left side. I heard a crack. I said, "Oh no... There goes my turn signals." Picked it back up but there was no damage except a slightly scratches stator cover. The real damage was done to my camera. The screen broke! The clutch lever hit my right leg which was where the camera was. Oh well.... A replacement screen will cost about $20.

                Now the mailman is like my best friend. He brings stuff to me.

                Superbike GP mirrors, clutch perch assembly, and right side mirror mount. Thanks sschering!

                Remember that my camera screen broke so I can't see what I'm pointing at.

                All that is left to do is fix this electrical problem and get some horns.


                  That is what the devil said in the thunderstorm.


                    Sweet looking bike tandem aside .... How was the job interview?


                      Originally posted by psyguy View Post
                      Sweet looking bike tandem aside .... How was the job interview?
                      That's on Monday. Today, I just had to know where the place is and how to get there so that I won't be lost.


                        Well you should at least know the way.
                        Leave 60 mins early.
                        If need be take a clean pressed shirt with you and change in the parking lot.

                        Mennen anti-perspirant on the pits and perversely enough on the palms when dry will stop the embarrassing handshake.

                        Hold you hand on the table.

                        Make eye contact but do not get creepy with it.

                        And get a good friend to walk you through a mock interview.
                        I used to laugh at them but if drill can get you to the moon it can help get you a job.

                        Just 20 or so questions typical of those asked in all interviews, among them the ever asinine "where do you see yourself in five years?"

                        It will reduce stress and make you more comfortable.


                          Good stuff Jeep.


                            Oh and anti-perspirant no cologne no nothing ESP that AXE ****!!!!!! it is pure hell to anything but a woefully misinformed teenage boy.
                            No Gain detergent. Nothing that will be a jarring imapct on the sensations of the interviewer.

                            Unless you are trying to become a stripper then a pricy perfume ( tax write off ) and a little leg will get you tot he second round.


                              Man... I dropped my bike and broke my camera in the process. What a fail lol.

                              *sigh* The lady across the street saw the whole thing and I bet she's laughing her ass off. I know that she hates hearing my bike.

                              I will let this be a reminder of how heavy the big GS1100E is. To my surprise, I was able to pick it back up easily!


                                Originally posted by Flaming Chainsaws View Post
                                Man... I dropped my bike and broke my camera in the process. What a fail lol.

                                *sigh* The lady across the street saw the whole thing and I bet she's laughing her ass off. I know that she hates hearing my bike.

                                I will let this be a reminder of how heavy the big GS1100E is. To my surprise, I was able to pick it back up easily!
                                Hell man does a cloud follow you?

