I started on it last Fall and finished up this Spring and so far I've put 15.4 glorious miles in it... runs good but I'm trying to figure out if this whining noise I keep hearing is normal or a problem developing. Basically I gave it a going over as I reassembled the bike but I did do a few mods here and there.
Carbs are cleaned, painted and rebuilt with black wrinkle caps, silver bodies and black bowls. The engine case covers are also wrinkle finish and I repainted the cylinders and head in engine black with a file finish on the outside fins.
I rebuilt a set of GS550M forks so it's ready to have a dual disk setup bolted on, stripped the finish on the lower legs, smoothed out the surface and then did a brushed finish with baked on caliper clear paint over that. Internally they have whatever springs were in them which I think may have been progressives...or stock, plus a set of knockoff cartridge emulators and a preload spacer of about 1". These forks are about 1/2in shorter if I remember correctly.
I did my caliper carrier rebushing mod and installed a stainless brake line with a rebuilt master cylinder and carrier.
Put on new bars to replace those insane elk horns and managed to get away with creative cable routing, adjusted the valves and gave it a new filter & oil, did the coil mod and cleaned up all the grounds.. so far so good but no money to track down a Honda R/R for it yet. I still need to pick out some mirrors but it's pretty much done for now. Another 100mi or so of shakedown runs and it'll be off to its new life as a First Bike.
Oh yeah... I'm building a faux foot rest setup to protect the cases when the bike gets dropped in a driveway or has a low speed dump. I'm building a small box section to bolt between the engine mounts with two downward and forward facing arms. Those will slide into a slotted piece of pipe and get welded together and then some BMX footpegs are going to be in the ends of the pipe, connected by all-thread. I figure this will stiffen the frame a little with the box between the front mounts and offer some protection in minor spills but still probably "give" before the frame gets tweaked by folding or breaking off the bmx foot peg.
I'm okay with the seat

P1050821 by Pnoder, on Flickr

P1050823 by Pnoder, on Flickr