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82 GS1100E Project/Cleanup

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    Thanks Phil, I'm very happy it started. I've done so much to it without making sure it ran.

    I did put SS lines on it and rebuilt both master cylinders so I'll go check out the vac pump.


      Read the thread through. Good stuff. I got a Mighty Vac and that works pretty good in helping you bleed the brakes. They are a bit fragile so don't go crazy squeezing the hell out of it when you start bleeding, but it does work.

      Mind if I ask who here provided the SS lines and how much?


        Originally posted by wedoo2 View Post
        Read the thread through. Good stuff. I got a Mighty Vac and that works pretty good in helping you bleed the brakes. They are a bit fragile so don't go crazy squeezing the hell out of it when you start bleeding, but it does work.

        Mind if I ask who here provided the SS lines and how much?
        I can't remember the name of the company but they are on Ebay. You give the the lenth and what end you need and they make them. I also can't remember how much they


          I cleaned the dirt diver out of the vac line of the petcock and now have fuel flow. It's running but won't rev. When I try to rev it it starts spitting and sputtering. I'll pull the carbs and go through them again. She should be ready for spring soon.


            get a big plastic syringe and push brake fluid up the lines from the bleed nipples, it helps get all the air out.


              I still haven't gotten all the air out yet but did take it out of the shop. I let it run a little and find that it's still leaking oil. I thought I was going to get lucky and it only be the two Orings in the head but that was not to be. It's smoking pretty bad from the right exhust pipe when it warms up. I'll have to take the head and jugs off and put some new rings on her and some new gaskets.

              Here's what she looks like as of right now.


                Originally posted by Flaming Chainsaws View Post
                I'm pretty sure that the '82 and '83 GS1100E are the same bike, except that the '83 has some upgraded parts.
                NOT the same frame.

                Close but enough differences to make for problems. Pegs won't swap.
                However, 80-81 and 82 are same frame.
                Wiring harness on the 82 is also not the same as 83. Again, close, but enough difference to cause problems, not insurmountable ones, but it wouldn't be direct swap.


                  Looking good, great job so far. I want a GS1100E so bad, will start looking for one when I finish my 1100G project. Keep those progress pics coming.


                    OK, I'm back working on this and pulled the top end apart yesterday. I took a lot of pictures while I was doing it so here are a few.
                    Here's the start

                    Then the valve cover came off. Had to take the breather cover off 1st though.

                    Took the two outside cam caps off 1st

                    Cams out
                    Last edited by Guest; 07-18-2013, 10:46 PM.


                      Head off....Top of pistons look good.....Don't mind that badly chipped painted frame.....It will be powder coated later.

                      Top shot of head

                      Valve side
                      Last edited by Guest; 07-18-2013, 10:47 PM.


                        Cam caps and bolts


                        And at last the pistons

                        Will be ordering the rings and gaskets tomorrow.


                          I'm thinking of honing the cylinder myself. I've never done this before and was wondering what any of you think. Hard to do? Easy to mess the cylinders up? What is the best hone to buy?


                            enjoyed the thread... any updates?
                            Last edited by Arronduke; 07-25-2013, 06:03 AM.
                            Current Bikes.... 81,1230Kat, 86,GSXR1100, 86,RG500, :D
                            The 80`s - Back in the days when men looked like women, women dressed like whores and the music F@#KING ROCKED!


                              Well f#ck me.... just read reaslied I read the whole post backwards and it made snese mostly... but I had to keep going back to make sense.
                              work that out
                              Current Bikes.... 81,1230Kat, 86,GSXR1100, 86,RG500, :D
                              The 80`s - Back in the days when men looked like women, women dressed like whores and the music F@#KING ROCKED!


                                Go into your profile and change the thread format to oldest first and set it for 40 posts per page
                                Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

                                1981 GS550T - My First
                                1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
                                2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

                                Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
                                Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
                                and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"

