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1983_GS750E - Rebuild

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    So I was going to ask.....

    Should I just rebuild it back as stock, or does anyone suggest changing anything on the bike, I have read and seen some of the other guys changing rims, springs, shocks, brakes, sprockets, handlebars, and so on....

    If anything is to be done, this would be the time to do it I guess


      Bob the heck outta the sucker..........

      Seriously, its your bike, you gotta live, love and ride it, go with whatever you are going to be happy with.
      Personaly, I am a stock kinda guy, I htink there is nothing nicer than a motorcycle restored to its former glory, I really don't get this whole bobber thing at all, if I wanted to look like an Orangutan hanging from a tree, I would hang from the chandilier with a broom up my ass and make revving noises.
      Most older classics can do with a few modern upgrades, like brakes and wiring etc, but I think the ES and EF were pretty much there as they came stock.
      Besides, they have really nice styling and look good straight out the box.
      I wouldn't mess too much.
      also keep in mind, as you decide to modify, your build time and budget will increase accordingly.


        And on the other hand..... she wore a glove.
        Ok, old joke. But I am a guy who can't leave anything alone. Always seems like when I take something apart I have to improve it some way when I reassemble it (hopefully). To be honest that bikes styling was so nice from the factory, I'd probably put my attention to polishing eveything aluminum and lay fresh paint on the rest. Once you get that frame sorted out it may "talk" to you and guide you on what direction to take... It'll be an extention of your personality. Who knows, maybe a street-fighter in the future if you like that sort of thing.
        Your engine will be fine setting like that, some set for decades in that same position... is it's just a pain drain the oil! To make it easier to work on and to move it as needed, if you have some old casters and a small piece of 3/4 plywood laying around, you can make a little dolley to set the engine on and move it around the shop while you are working on it. I've used mine to move frames with engines like yours is now or even nearly complete bikes without wheels.


          You do nice work HD, no problem there, I enjoy watching you creative flair, maybe I just stick with stock because I ain't got a creative bone in my body....easier that way.


            Thanks, I really wasn't fishing for compliments I was agreeing with you on this project...maybe it didn't come across that way. So officially I say detail her out in stock form!


              Agreed with the detailing in stock, but then I'm biased.
              No compliments given unduly HD, don't worry, I give credit where it is due, I just wish I was creative sometimes, I can take a bike and can't picture much else that would work, but other people will get to it and turn out something totally new that makes me go WOW that I would not even have thought of in a million years.
              Don't get too smug dude, you screw up too, not putting the black stripes on the 750, that was silly. -------------->> hat, coat, door.


                OK, settled then,,,,STOCK it is.....well as much as possible, paint might be a bit off, and I might not have all the decals as I can't seem to find them, but what I took off will go right back on,,,,only they will be clean, shiny, polished or painted...

                Thanks guys


                  What to do about the Seat

                  So I was given the name of a local place that does upholstery for cars, bikes, etc and ventured off this morning to see them about recovering my seat. Not knowing what to expect in way of price I went in with an open mind, yes I have seen some of the skins one can get, for about 90 bucks plus shipping, and then I still have to put it on or get someone to do it for me.

                  So after a bit a talking with the owner and his son, about my seat, it came down to 2 prices, cause of the 2 different materials.

                  They had the plain so to speak vinyl or the carbon fiber style pattern

                  the plain was 150 cash out the door, and the carbon fiber was 175 out the door, this includes doing the strap as well

                  So is this a good price, too high, about right, or can I get it done for less and these guys are out to lunch, I don't want to drive around all over the place going from shop to shop, I will waste time and gas and then I will be in the same boat or even costing me more.

                  Other than the price, what do you guys think of the 2 types of vinyl, which one to go with, and do keep in mind, they will not do the embossing, they can't they don't have the machine to do it with, and if I wanted it sewn in, well the price just goes up and up......

                  So it will just be a plain seat, with the strap done, and that's it

                  Here is a few pics of the current seat, the imperfections (hole/tear) and a sample of the vinyls that were chosen.

                  I think I like this more than the plain

                  so let me know, if either is an option, or get something online, or would the dealer have these original skins in stock still ?



                    Check out Pit Replica here
                    Thier covers are excellent and have the original embossing as well, only heard good things about them.
                    If they don't have your cover, they will do you a deal, where you send them yours and they will copy it, and you get your new one for free, kinda thier way of payment for giving them your old one to copy and add to thier inventory.
                    If they do have it, thier prices are a lot better, at around $80 I think.
                    They are in Thailand, so I know things are delayed there right now due to the flooding, so you may have a little wait.


                      I like the carbon FX, I have it on mine.


                        Thanks Flyboy, I did look them up before, and I did not see my seat cover on their site, however I have now sent them an email, lets see what they say.

                        I also would need to put this on myself, this might not be so easy, I don't have tools for this sort of thing. Also there is shipping of 20 bucks, 90 for the seat, any tax or duty, and I am up to 120 to 130 bucks, plus I need it installed, let say 50 bucks, I am back at the same cost as what the local shop is charging, OK it's not the same as an original type/style.

                        So I really don't know what to do here,,,,let's see what PitReplica comes back with...

                        @jwhelan65, I like the Carbon as well, but it just might be a bit too modern of a print for an older bike, but it could be a good contrast and an upgrade to something newer


                          If that's the only tear. Why not ask them about a repair ?
                          Old age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time1983 GS 750


                            Originally posted by bccap View Post
                            If that's the only tear. Why not ask them about a repair ?
                            I did, but because it's on a corner, and at a stretch point, the repair would never hold up, it would end up coming apart sooner or latter.

                            I don't mind recovering the seat, the original is very well smoothed out, and has many shiny spots on it, plus the hole and also some paint stain that I can't seem to get out....

                            Perhaps the Carbon fiber would be the best way to go, it will give an old bike a modern accent....

                            Decisions, decisions.....


                              it is out......

                              Well tonight was the night, the engine is out, and the frame is free and we are ready to start making it new once again.

                              It really was a pain in the arse to get the engine out, I mean really, I undid everything I could, removed everything I could, turned her on her side and still a royal pain to get that frame away from that engine, even the air box was creating a headache as it wouldn't get out either at first. Well with the help of the wife tonight (son is at work already) we managed to get it done....

                              here are a few pics

                              actually first here is the chain, I soaked in kerosene for a few hours, took the wire wheel to it, then soaked it again, then dried and put on some chain lube,,,look s to be OK, I will measure it just to make sure but I think it will be good to go...

                              and now the fun began.....

                              removed all of this

                              from here

                              to get this out

                              and we ended up with this

                              and a quick shot of the parts that are scattered all over the place, including the coolers, and plastic rubber maid box...

                              Well that's it for now, as the next phase is to clean, scrub, polish, and paint....I will take pics as items get done, just to show the progress and to keep this thread alive....

                              Thanks to all for the great support so far....


                                Hey,I think I seen something like that before.Wonder where it was?

