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1983_GS750E - Rebuild

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    Hey GK, sounds like you have had a jolly old interesting time of it lately.
    sorry to hear about the head, that is just nonsense, I don't blame you for popping a gasket, had it been me, I would have been dressed in a tie, explaining myself to a magistrate right now, you have greater character than I sir.
    I don't think the repair is bad at all, as as said, once the frame is painted, and given its position, you won't even see it at all, you would have to point it out to someone.
    And as you said, you now have the peace of mind knowing it is safe, at the end of the day, it is the few inches between the head and the shoulders that count.


      You had every right, they should have contacted you once they found out it was going to exceed the original quote... written or verbal. You don't just go ahead and triple a bill without notifying the customer first.
      Not only good manners but good business.
      P.S. I like the frame as is... looks like added armor


        Thanks guys.....

        I was thinking of flipping right out, but I took the high road, figured 150 wasn't going to kill me, it still would have cost me a hundred bucks for the frame and the first hole they fixed, and then I would still have one hole and would still need to find another welder, lug the engine around, and over all just a pain in the a$$, so this way, they can finish the job, it will be done, and them holding onto it a bit longer, no skin off my nose, I am not ready for it to go back into the bike anyways, so they can hold onto it, it actually gives me more room in the garage....LOL

        So I am going to work on the welds on the frame, fill up the welds to smooth it up a bit, sand a bit, and give it a quick shot of primer, check everything over, and give it a new coat of paint....

        In the end, it will work out.....

        but not a very good way of trying to keep a customer, or even have that customer recommend them for more work, and to think I jumped the gun a bit, and gave them a good review on another site, that will teach me........

        as for having a jolly old time, not really, wife had to go to the dentist, she lost half of one of her back tooth, so we were there today to get a temp fix, back in a few weeks to get a crown, then my younger son was in a car accident, he was the passenger, his friend hit a light pole in a parking lot, it was dark, raining he did not see it, air bags went off, hit my son directly in the face, looks like he went a few rounds with Mike Tyson, but the facial bruised will eal, the bigger concern is the powder from the air bags went into his eyes, scratching both eyes so all is blurry, this will heal, and there is still a chance of cornea separation, this can still happen over the next week, until the eyes heal up, saw the family doctor, a specialist yesterday, another one today, and back to the same one on my son was at the end of his exam week, missed one on Friday, and will miss the one on Monday, fortunately school is great, his marks are in the nineties, and they are not going to have him write the 2 exams that he is going to miss.

        so ya, it's been a crappy week

        but, I did get a deer today, it was hit by a car, in the head, police put it down, and animal services called me to see if I wanted it, no body damage so it's a whole deer that can be harvested, my buddy picked it up, and we will split it, so a bit of meat in the freezer, it's a good thing I hunt and enjoy wild game
        Last edited by Guest; 01-28-2012, 02:40 PM.


          now the holes are filled

          Well, I picked up the engine today, they called and said it was ready....

          I didn't even want to talk to them, I just handed over the cash and we loaded the engine back into the truck, I was going to stop off at my brothers leave it there for my dad to do the drilling and taping but, no one was there so I brought it home, and well decided to take a few pictures, and I even took the cylinder head cover off, to my surprise the gasket is nice and rubbery, it came off with no issues and I am sure it will be OK to use again, at least now I can check the valves, and polish up the cover.

          I just have to get the holes drilled and new threads put in, and the engine will be ready to go.

          So anyways a few pictures, this is untouched, just the way the welder guy left it, not pretty, but they are filled, I will take my time to grind and drill and tap, and it should be OK, at least I know the new holes will hold....

          All seems to look good here

          chain seems nice and tight


            I see.
            You're going to have to grind them down and get them nice and flat so they seal well...

            I hope it works!


              Yup the only one I really need nice and flat is where the oil cover goes, as it has to seal really well, the exhaust, who cares, the stud goes in and that's it, the exhaust gasket goes in the big hole and the exhaust then seals it up, so it can look like crap for all I care, so long as the stud will stay in and not pull out.

              I think it will be OK


                That engine looks nice and clean inside.

                so it can look like crap for all I care
                hold it right there mister, after all the work you have put in to produce the rest of those stunning looking parts, I don't think so.
                So it may take you an extra hour or so to get in there and grind the welds down nice and smooth, but in the bigger scheme of things, so what, when the bike is done, you will have hundreds of man hours invested in it, so what is an extra hour in your life??
                The devil is in the details....I, for one would hate to see you short cutting on the excellent work you have done so far.


                  Here comes my dose of kick in the pants.....LOL

                  I only meant the exhaust area really does not have to be perfect, I will make it as good as possible, but he blobbed on so much weld, I am not going to grind it all down, and if I slip and hit the head I could make even more damage, so going to make it flat, drill and tap, and it should pass everyone's scrutiny....

                  There really is more material there, than I thought there would be, I guess the welder thought it was required, if it was me, I would have just filled the holed, and not had so much all around, but that's me and my engine, the welder, well it's not his, so he just filled it as was asked of him....I wonder if he would have done it the same way, if I told him he had to do the grinding.....

                  at least the cover for the oil is a much better weld, it shouldn't take much to make it look good, flat, and ready for drilling and taping...

                  Not to worry Flyboy, I will do it as best as I can, I promise....


                    GK, just take a grinder to it until it gets close to level (on the oil cover) and then use a file.



                      Originally posted by brslk View Post
                      GK, just take a grinder to it until it gets close to level (on the oil cover) and then use a file.

                      Yup, it will be the only way to do it, glad I got that 20 dollar grinder.....hehehehe

                      If I get it to the shop, it will be done on the milling machine, both holes, and if not, it will be done manually, grinder, file, etc....I have done it before, I was just hoping not to....ya know......


                        I told you a grinder is a necessity. Now go out and buy four more and all will be right with the world...



                          valve cover cleaned up

                          So I was tired tonight, but still trying to do at least one thing a night, so I sanded and took the wire wheel to the valve cover, getting it ready for either a full polish, or perhaps make it the same as the swing arm, a matte finish...

                          To get a really good polish will take a lot of time, and some buffing wheels and attachments that I don't have....

                          I will see



                            I say go for the polish and when you have it done I can send you mine to do.

                            Our friends at Princess Auto have the felt wheels , bobs and "rouge" that you need. Its not hard to get a really shiney surface, just a little sweat. I think you've proven you are up for it.

                            How's the frame coming? Holes in the block?

                            Progress is good and things are looking top notch. I think you are going to have a real sweet ride in a few weeks.

                            The weather is really being a tease today and I actually went out to try and start "Black Booty" but she didn't want to go.....must still be winter I guess Roll on spring.

                            I was thinking that once you get her done I'm going to have come down and "certify " it as being up to GSR "standards"

                            You're doing great my friend, keep it up!



                              I actually bought a set of smaller polishing wheels already, to try and get into the small nooks on the vavle cover, so I will give it a try, but as you say it will take some time, I still have to do a lot of sanding, I am just getting the clear coat off, and there is still more to go, before the wheel hits...

                              Frame is welded, and a quick grind was done, I have to do a nice finish grind, and apply a bit of JB Weld to make it look nice, try and fill in some of the weld, so it matches the rest of the frame.

                              The only thing will be the tins, they will not be done for a bit, running out of cash, this welding crap took a chunk out of my funds, but hope to have the tins done before riding season comes around, I still need tires, which are very important as well...

                              You are more than welcome to come by and Certify.....I will supply the beer, I figure if there are enough consumed the bike should pass with flying colors.....LOL

                              I am actually going to be in your neck of the woods, going to go look at some engine a guy has, been sitting around in his shed for 5 years, and he has a few other odds and ends kicking around he wants to get rid of, even a rear tailight that don't have a hole in it like mine...

                              Hopefully I will have the frame ground and primed by the weekend, and if the warm weather keeps up, maybe even a coat of paint.....

                              The engine I will leave to the last moment, before I make it ready for going back, not in a rush on it right now...

                              Thanks again for the words of encouragement, sometimes that is what one needs, to keep things going


                                Sorry I didn't read back and see about the welds. Not the prettiest but I'm sure they will be fine once ground and tapped. Damn shame about the miscommunication. had something similar today with a new to me "lawyer" client.

                                I did a network/server upgrade in December for him but all my communications had been through his assistant. Once he got to the bill today, finally, he flipped and refuses to pay stating that his "assistant " was not authorised to place the order. Notwithstanding that he thanked me for a great deal and a fine job back in December when we were there doing the installation. What a wanker, I guess I have to go in and grab all the hardware. I wonder how he's going to do business with no data and no computers.

                                It was wrong on their part as they definitely should have contacted you for approval prior to doing the work. Its the way I conduct business and I'm sure you work the same way. Doorknobs.

                                Well its all good the holes are filled and you can retap and get back on track.


