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1983_GS750E - Rebuild

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    I could only use one of them, they sent me two 17 inch tires, one has to be 16.....

    if they were the correct diameter, I might have considered it.....


      Ah the old GS step forward, one step back. Damn, I thought you'd get her road tested this week. Hopefully they do have the right size somewhere in the warehouse as I know these 16" donuts are getting harder to find.

      So do they pick up the return shipping on these or do you get stiffed for that? Maybe if you yell loud enough they'll let you keep them and will send you out another set

      Fingers crossed for a speedy turn around.

      Your pal,


        Never fails, does it.....LOL

        I thought I would be on the road this weekend also, at least up and down my street if nothing more.....

        Yes they are covering all of it, actually FedEx is picking them up today, brought them to work with me and left them with our shipper, that way the pickup wouldn't be missed, and they have on order a new (correct) set already, if he gets them fast enough he is trying to get them to me by Friday, but I doubt this will happen, best case, next week Monday/Tuesday....

        I was going to order a chain and sprockets, but don't have the cash now and thought they would eat the shipping cost, for the mistake they made on the tires...ohhh well so much for that idea.....

        Getting so close, I can smell it in the air.......

        how you making out on your sales, and the 550 all buttoned up and roadworthy ? certified ? come on now, we have a week of awesome weather coming our way.....

        get too it.....




          looks great! glad to see all the hard work paid off


            Well I hope rubber turns up for you tomorrow. I wouldn't worry about sprockets right now. That chain looks good and the quick peek I had at the back sprocket says its good too. Fingers crossed for a midweek test ride.

            The 550 is ready to go but my guy was too busy last week. I'm hoping tomorrow or tuesday for the cert.

            Still no sale on the 750, just lots of wankers ****ing me off. I'm going to relist this week. I had a tough day again yesterday trying to do the fork went easy, one wouldn't go without a fight. You may have read, the damn damper rod bolt wouldn't come free and I had to drill it out. I was at all day yesterday and from 8 am 'til 2.00 today before it was all sorted and buttoned back up. I watched the Motogp and saddled up for my father's day ride. I missed the morning scoot with Bruce, his son and step sons. He wanted me to take the 550 but with no insurance and no registration, I declined. My luck is just not that good.

            The solo ride was good, however, and I just got back in. With the valves adjusted and new oil in the forks she's a new bike. She just egged me on and its a wonder I didn't get a ticket. Honestly, she really felt different, peppier and more "planted". I had fun. If the 550 feels this much fun, I'm not going to do any more wrenching until winter and will ride my azz off.

            Let us know when the rubber turns up.

            Cheers ( I don't have any of your good stuff but I just had a father's day shot of "imported, not for the peasants" tequila to celebrate) Hope you had a great daddy's day too.



              Lucky for me the one son is at home, no school for him so he can sign for least I won't miss the delivery...

              And then I need to get the rims off, and over to the guy to install the new rubber , and I can button it all up.....

              and give her HELL........finally

              I am still thinking about that 84 Zuk, might still pick it up just have not decided 100 percent....if he has it by the end of the week, it might be mine.....sorry but I had to tell the better half, she is not thrilled, but not a whole lot of resistance I might be OK...

              Bummer on the seals, and the work it took, have not read the thread yet, but will get to it for sure....

              Glad you had a chance to get out and ride, I am still waiting for the day...

              Fathers day way not bad, got a nice bottle of White Owl Whiskey, it's clear, like a vodka, have not tried it yet, this was from the sons, and I talked to my dad, via Skype, so that was good as well, he was happy I got the motor in and running, even played the vid of the start up for him...

              Well hope I get the rubber tomorrow and I can move forward.....

              @denton550 - thanks for the words, I think she is a looker as well, lets just hope she rides just as good....



                Oh I didn't know your pop was still with us, that is good news and you are alucky sob. My dad's been gone 20+ years and I miss the old coot. He was a dirt bike racer and engine builder and he never let me have a bike. He would be pretty amazed to see me now I'm sure.

                Good news that the boss is not putting up much of a fuss, I can see you turning that into some decent cash. I think we've created a monster.

                Let us know when the rubber turns up.



                  Yup, lucky me I still have both parents with me....they are in Europe right now, but come here for half the year each year, it was my dad who helped on the fix of the busted header bolt as well as the one on the stator cover, he was a great asset to the build.

                  Until bike is in hand I don't put anything past the wife, she can still say no, at the last minute...LOL

                  I will post for sure, once rubber is in hand...somehow that don't sound good....LOL

                  hopefully tomorrow, and I can get it on the rims just as quick maybe by tomorrow, if not by Tuesday....



                    If the 84 doesn't work out, here is another for your collection.

                    I can't sneak anything by Mrs GSJim until the 650 is happy.

                    1981 GS550T (Long gone)
                    1983 GS650G (Rolling rebuild is now a full rebuild.)


                      Originally posted by GSJim View Post
                      If the 84 doesn't work out, here is another for your collection.

                      I can't sneak anything by Mrs GSJim until the 650 is happy.

                      I feel your pain Jim.....

                      sweet.....just a bit of cleaning he says......

                      we all know that wouldn't cut it for me....

                      it's the 650 price tag that has me hesitant....not what I want to spend right now, the other was a good bargain at 200 bucks, that would be better, I could put a few into it and maybe sell it for a bit of a profit....


                        I saw that one and was going to mention it to you ,but I figured you could likely get the boss to go $200 but $650 would be pushing it. Mind you, I'm sure you could double your money but how much work it would need to get there might be the question. As we know, pics can be deceiving.

                        On the other hand the "tins" are in your colour scheme and would bolt right on ( I finally figured out why the red and white....the colours of the old homeland?) but stick with the cheap one, it will be more fun and more of a potential profit.



                          Originally posted by spyug View Post
                          I saw that one and was going to mention it to you ,but I figured you could likely get the boss to go $200 but $650 would be pushing it. Mind you, I'm sure you could double your money but how much work it would need to get there might be the question. As we know, pics can be deceiving.

                          On the other hand the "tins" are in your colour scheme and would bolt right on ( I finally figured out why the red and white....the colours of the old homeland?) but stick with the cheap one, it will be more fun and more of a potential profit.

                          you hit the nail on the head with that one.......LOL

                          I'd rather take the one for 200 and slowly build it up, take my time, and use as little money as possible to get it up to snuff, leaving out stuff like tires and battery, but have it at least running good, and all cleaned up, new owner can invest in tires and battery.....I would do all the grunt work....

                          I didn't think of the color scheme until you mentioned it, but that does give me an idea.....maybe drape the flag image over the tank,,,,,,,hmmmmmm,,,,I wonder how much that would set me that just might be cool, well at least to me, not sure what a potential new buyer would think about it....

                          going to see by the end of the week about the 200 dollar bike, if it's still around I just might grab it, just for the heck of it, not sure if tins would fit on my bike at all, but how bad can it be,,,,right....

                          decisions, decisions.......


                            I didn't think of the color scheme until you mentioned it, but that does give me an idea.....maybe drape the flag image over the tank,,,,,,,hmmmmmm,,,,I wonder how much that would set me that just might be cool, well at least to me, not sure what a potential new buyer would think about it....
                            Yeah, that's the only problem if you consider resale. You'd be trying to sell to a limited audience. There was a guy here in town a few years ago that had a sharp little 450 done with the Scottish flag. It appealed to me but he had trouble finding a buyer and had to repaint. However, if you had another tank you could do one and keep the other as a backup in stock colours.

                            To get it done in airbrush would be pricey but I wonder about vinyl ? The sign guys are good with that computer design stuff and they can reproduce just about anything and not too pricey I found.

                            The only other issue might be you'd **** some one off and goodness knows what they would do to the bike. There's enough of that going on with the soccer right now. I saw some Greeks going at it with Italians in the parking lot of Horton's yesterday. Ripping each other's flags off their cars. Silly sods.

                            The nice thing about buying cheap is that the potential for profit is very good as long as the bike is essentially ok. Dirt and rust is easy to fix, busted crankshaft or buggered tranny not so much.

                            I'll be interested to hear how the cheapo bike turns out.



                              Yes the retaliation against the flag might be just unwanted attention,,,,it would be nice....

                              as for the el'cheapo bike, I will take a look and see and ask a few questions, one of which will be "how many previous owner's were there",,,,,lol

                              just kidding

                              if it's just dirt and such that is ok, lots of soap is left, and my buffing wheels are hardly worn in.....



                                Correct tires

                                Well they just came in....I actually called the place to see if they did ship and he said they did and I should get them today or tomorrow, no more than 15 minutes go by and a knock on the door, I was just about to go back to work from being at home for lunch, and there is the FedEx guy with the tires in hand......


                                sorry about the rushed pics, just had to take a few......quickly...

                                now to make arrangements to get them mounted.....

