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1983_GS750E - Rebuild

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    one more part added to the bike, that I did not have....a little bit on the wire wheel, and the buffing wheel, and it's as good as new....

    Thanks SVSooke


      Are you sure you live in Canukistan? The land where you have to be a criminal to be allowed to own a firearm (or so it seems).

      The cops took my long guns away as my FAC had expired and I hadn't been able to re certify (under the new rules) within the "amnesty period". $5500 worth of rifles and shotguns destroyed with no remuneration for me but.......I didn't get charged with a criminal offense (like they threatened me with). What a fiasco.

      The thing that ****es me off (among many things including being out of pocket) is that on the cop's data base I'm still shown as "potentially" owning weapons WTF??????? So if and when I ever have any issue with the POPO even traffic stops they are going to treat me a little more "seriously" than your average Joe....even though I'm just a bloody average Joe.

      The whole registration process has been a huge money waster and totally useless as method for making our society safer.

      I can't imagine what you had to go through to own a handgun. While I'd like to get back in to shooting sports its just too much of a hassle and expense. I'll be sticking with my bikes.

      Thanks for sharing.




        sorry to hear about your bad misfortune, but I don't understand why you just didn't give the guns to someone who did have a valid PAL or RPAL, as you can lend long guns with no issues at all, also the amnesty has been extended - The Government of Canada has extended these firearm compliance measures untilMay 16, 2013. Sounds like you get setup somehow, and you shold have consulted a lawyer that is well versed with firearm laws.

        I have never had an issue with firearms, restricted and non restricted, did my courses, passed the tests, sent in the applications, paid the fees, and got my RPAL. Most of my firearms have been purchased here in Canada, no issues, and the pistol in the picture, and one other, I actually purchased in the United States, again no issues, easy peasy, and at about half the cost of what I would have paid here, would buy more, but right now the one I am looking at is the same price here as it is in the US, so no cost savings, and I don't have to wait up to 8 weeks for paper work to be completed.

        Yes the long gun registry is and was a waste of huge taxpayers dollars, as it did nothing to protect the public from criminals, and only made legit gun owners feel like criminals, you think the punk down at Jane and Finch has any type of permit, documentation, license, RPAL, LTATT, and so on,,,,NO.........but I need all of it

        I enjoy my time hunting, as much as I enjoy target shooting, skeet shooting, making my own ammo, for better results, and it's cheaper as well, I find no hassel at all, heck I even go to Europe and hunt there, and take my rifles/shotguns and ammo with me, bring it all back, except the game I have harvested.

        Your right on one thing for sure, it's not cheap, but then again what hobby is.......

        And you getting pulled over, will not have you treated "seriously" firearm owners are not brought up automatically, it's a separate query the cop has to do to get that info, if he really wants it, heck I got stopped for speeding last year, car full of ammo and firearms, cop never even asked, just gave me a ticket for the speed, and he even knew where I was going, as he asked, my reply to the range to do some shooting, so he knew I had firearms in the vehicle, he never asked about them.

        It's too bad you had such a bad experience, perhaps one day you might change your mind and give it a try again....

        wild boar hunt from 2 years ago

        last years hunt

        can't hunt with this one, but its fun for target shooting......

        Last edited by Guest; 01-24-2012, 11:48 PM.


          Sounds like you get setup somehow, and you shold have consulted a lawyer that is well versed with firearm laws.
          Yup you got that right. The previous police chief here had a hard on for getting as many guns out of the public hands as possible and made it a policy to put pressure on people who were just outside the rules due to the timing of things and the very poor way information was disseminated.

          In my case, I was having my heart related issues at the time and didn't have the time or wherewithal to get things sorted before the first amnesty period matured. The cops didn't hesitate and formally advised me that I would be charged with criminal possession if I did not immediately surrender my rifles.The cop stood on my doorstep and gave me 10 minutes to hand them over. He didn't give a **** about my medical condition and told me he would obtain a warrant, seize the rifles and charge me. He even went on to tell me that if I had handed them to him without trigger locks he was told to charge me with "improper storage". I was definitely bullied.

          As far as the reference to what the cops have on their data base I've seen it myself . A friend's daughter is a local officer and she pulled up my name in her patrol unit. In discussions with her and some other friends I have on the force, in our region the patrol officers are told to always check for this info and they tell me it always makes them nervous, extra vigilant and ready to react forcefully (their words, not mine).

          Having had a lot of family and friends in law enforcement over the years I firmly believe in the necessity for good laws and quality police forces but with the many things that have happened in the las 4 or 5 years I think we are definitely moving toward a police state. Our personal rights and freedoms are being erroded, the politicians enact stupid legislation ( and some of that further errodes our rights such as our speeding/stunting laws that allow seizure of your property before any day in court)and the police departments are more and more used like the Gestapo ( such as at Caledonia and the G20 summit where laws were conveniently forgotten and citizens right ignored and worse).

          I don't like the way things are going. As a student of history, I'm reminded of what happened when the Nazis took power in Germany. First they enforced registration of all privately held firearms and when the time was right, they took them away. It could happen here and maybe already is starting.

          While many of us don't seem to care and think our American cousins are bonkers for demanding the right to keep and bare arms, I for one, believe they have it right. Should our government ever become truly despotic, without weapons how could we resist?

          Maybe I'm paranoid, I don't believe I am but I hope my suspicions are never born out.

          Enjoy your guns while you can, they'll be coming for them one of these days



            You got a bum rap, is all I can say......

            No warrant, No entry, and if they do, they will be filmed, indoor cameras are so cheap now days.....

            Come and get my guns ? what guns, I lent them all to a friend, not more than 5 minutes ago

            now onto the build....


              Shocks painted

              So after primer, paint, and assembly, loose assembly, I have my shocks done, no I did not rebuild them, they did not leak, and were not leaking, all the rubber is good and everything seems to be in good working order, I cannot add oil yet, and I have not put in the springs either, but some assembly was done, and a few pictures taken

              Actually at what point can I add the oil back in ? once they are on the bike, and all things connected ? and springs installed, I would guess.....



                pretty shocks GK.



                  Was going to say you could put oil in the forks any time.Then I remembered the air line holes the 78 1000 forks does not have.So the answer is put oil in just before you put them on the bike.The look good there,the adjuster handle looks a bit better than the wood block to.


                    OK what's the status on the frame? head bolt hole? side cover hole?

                    Its nice to pretty everything up but you've got to hang them on sumpin. Just wondering?

                    What does wild pig taste like? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......wild bacon.



                      Picking up frame tomorrow, got a call it's ready, going to take the engine in to have the holes filled, and get it back in a day or two, then I can finally paint the frame, let cure, and do the engine painting as well, and let it sit and cure as well....

                      It's getting there, just took a weeee bit linger than I expected....

                      I will have some pics of this soon.....

                      Wild boar.......tastes excellent, but done in a goulash (sp) stew type of deal, but can be on a spit as well, but the little ones, not the big guys I took down


                        Big wild boar is only really good in heavily spiced food. Other than that they have a real gamey taste that is hard to describe, but it is not very good. The young shoats about 60-70 pounds are the best eating. Tender and juicy.... yum yum.


                        Well they don't call me Redneck for nothin


                          electrical panel

                          Well, painted the bracket, and put back the parts that go onto it....another small bit completed...



                            How to reverse all that I have done ????

                            OK, so I am almost at the point of putting this bucket of bolts back together, and I really don't know where to start....

                            Is there a starting order, to reverse all I have taken off of the bike, is there something that should be done, before something else is done, so I don't have to take it off and put it on twice ?

                            This is the part I was most concerned with, when I started this project, how to put it back, and have a motorcycle once again.

                            Yes I can follow all my pictures, in reverse order, but is that the way to do it ?

                            For example, do I assemble the front and rear end, get wheels and shocks on, swing arm, etc, or do I start with the engine, get it back in (air box first) and then go on with the rest, or does it really matter. OK my chain is solid no link, will that make a difference or not.

                            What is a good and or proper way of putting it all back together....

                            I wish there was a guide on how to do this....LOL


                              Personally, do whatever you want. However, I'd try to put the wheels back on first just to give it that extra support and then work from there. Save things like the airbox, carbs, and electrical stuff for after the engine is in place.
                              Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

                              1981 GS550T - My First
                              1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
                              2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

                              Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
                              Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
                              and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


                                My usual starting point is getting the engine back in first, then headers followed by suspension, then wheels, then electricals, then carbs, then guages and headlights, then signals and finally tank and bodywork. Most times, once I get the engine in, electricals in and carbs on I go for a test fire just to make sure its working before I go further. No point in finishing it if it doesn't run plus I find it easier to work on the engine with front end off.

                                One other thing you might want to consider. As you have the electrics off you might want to swap out that stock R/R as I bet you will have charging issues with it, I did. Mr. Matchless has compiled the master list and the Shindengens , mostly out of Hondas, work best. The one I have is out of a Goldwing I think , sorry but the model escapes me at the moment. The are physically larger than stock but will fit on the mounting board.

                                Also with the wiring harness and connectors, take the time and clean things up, especially the dang connectors. You will often find problems in the wiring harness caused by faulty /unclean connections. It is common to see voltage drops caused by cruddy connectors causing resistance. It is also common for grounds to be ineffective due to corroded or at least dirty contacts. Tedious but necessary work my friend.

                                Looking good dude, can't wait to see the frame.


