I took the bike to Lake Barkley this afternoon. It was about 60 miles round trip. The bike ran good. The temps were in the 70's with with from 10 - 15 mph. That really taught me something about the pods.
I stopped and fill up with gas and leaving the station the bike just totally bogged down in third. "Oooo...what's going on here?" Turned around to head back to the house and the bike ran fine. "Hmmmm.....must have just been a fluke." Turned around and in the same spot the bike did the same thing. Bogged down, no power, etc. I realized that I was going up a slight hill next to a field with a pretty strong cross wind. The wind was causing it. It was the pods. Have to say that I still like them though. When I twist the throttle she wakes up. It didn't do it the rest of the ride.
Needed a windshield today. 50 - 55 MPH is good, but anything much over that and I feel like I was hanging on for dear life in the wind.
Over all it was a fun ride. Almost perfect day. I feel like the bike is mechanically solid. Just have a few more minor parts on the way. Need to save my pennies for paint and a windshield.
Got to get her looking as good as she is running now.